Azercell utilizes AI for promoting national arts!


The leading mobile operator launches "Milli və müasir" digital museum

Azercell launches the "Milli və müasir" digital museum, an innovative initiative designed to preserve and promote national values within a contemporary context. The initiative further highlights the company’s ongoing commitment to innovation and the preservation of cultural heritage.

The "Milli və müasir" showcases over 15 pieces of digital art, offering a comprehensive exploration of Azerbaijani culture - from drawings and museums to films and theatre. Each piece presents a modern perspective on the country's cultural heritage through cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI). The platform is set to expand its collection of digital content further.

For more information follow Azercell’s Instagram page. Participate in different activities and contests for a chance to win various gifts.

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