Nikol Pashinyan still "dances"


But now not in Shusha, but in Gunbatan The material published on the news portal (February 24, 2024) entitled "Breaking relations with the Russian Federation and CSTO, as well as Yerevan's orientation towards the West can create a destructive situation for Armenia" is very interesting in terms of evaluating the current realities of the occupying country. The website Nikol refers to the analytical material that Eduard Sharmazanov, a member of the board of the Republican party in this country, former deputy, wrote on his Facebook page about the interview given by the prime minister to the "France-24" TV channel (that is, it is not an interview, so that someone took the ideas out of the contest - I.M.). He said that Pashinyan's situation is pathetic.

The site writes that history is cruel to those who cannot learn from what happened in their personal lives. According to Sharmazanov, Nikol Pashinyan admitted in that interview that he served the interests of Ukraine, not Armenia. The politician asks: "Nikol Pashinyan, have you solved the security issues of Armenia, and now you are going to protect the security of Ukraine?" Is it not enough that you "performed all the dances" in front of the West and Ukraine, and now you act as a lawyer of Kiev? You say that what is happening in Ukraine is a violation of the Alma-Ata Declaration, and this worries us very much.

Eduard Sharmazanov reminds the head of state of his country that whatever Azerbaijan wants to do on our borders and lines of contact, it also realizes it. And you go and cry for Ukraine in Europe.

The Armenian politician has another interesting question for the prime minister: "Who are you?" Are you Biden, Blinken, Scholtz, Erdoğan, who are facing such a big problem - the issue of Ukraine? You recognized Karabakh as an integral part of Azerbaijan and ensured that your compatriots moved from there. Although this horror does not bother you, the issue of Ukraine excites you. Do you know which Ukraine we are talking about? After all, we are talking about Ukraine, a friend and ally of Azerbaijan, whose president Zelenskiy congratulated Ilham Aliyev on the Victory in Karabakh. He is from Ukraine who has always claimed that Karabakh is the territory of Azerbaijan for thirty years. Take an example from the Georgian leadership and don't stick your nose into big problems."

By the way, Artur Khachatryan, a member of the opposition faction of the Armenian Milli Mejlis, also stated on February 26 that Yerevan's leadership "playing into the hands" of NATO and freezing relations with the CSTO will leave Armenia alone on the field. The deputy expressed these views while talking about the expected visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to Yerevan. The opposition politician did not hesitate to accuse Nikol Pashinyan of betraying his people: "I do not rule out that Ilham Aliyev, Volodymyr Zelensky and Nikol Pashinyan are completely united on the issue of Karabakh."

In other words, Nikol Pashinyan is falling out of favor with his people and the world community, not only because of his delusions, his refutation of what he said today, his drinking and sleeping in Shusha, his inappropriate dances, but also because of his attempts to stick his body where his head cannot go. Armenians rightfully ask him: "How can we understand that you asked for weapons from Paris that evening when you cheerfully said in Munich, ``We talked with Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan will not attack us!'

Poor Nicole, now stuck between fire and water. Azerbaijan is right, Turkey is strong, Russia doesn't believe in tears anymore, the USA is far away, and France is insidious, pretentious and mischievous. Now Armenia is waiting either to fall into the day of Syria, or to be destroyed. But Presidents Heydar Aliyev and Ilham Aliyev have repeatedly shown them the way to salvation in the last 30 years: "Destroyed Paris" did not allow that salvation. Now they must and are serving their punishment.

