Simonyan's "yoke" logic


Is the Speaker of the Armenian Parliament announcing a new war?

The Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, Alen Simonyan, again took the path of accusing Russia. But this time without naming names. It is an undeniable fact that not only this person, but also everyone represented in the Armenian government, combines anti-Russian rhetoric with anti-Azerbaijani logic.

Thus, A.Simonyan says that there were plans to drag Armenia into a large-scale war with Azerbaijan, to prevent it in the end with a peaceful expression, and to create peace in the region once again by putting a rope around the necks of both countries.

I wonder what point A.Simonyan meant? Most likely, he spoke about the incident on February 13. That is, there is no reason to think about anything else. On February 13, the first shot was fired from the Armenian side. Now how do we understand that this was organized by Russia? In any case, the views of the Armenian speaker seem absurd. How can it not be seen? Armenian positions opened fire, Azerbaijan retaliated and four Armenian soldiers were killed. According to Simonyan's logic, if sabotage is the work of a third party, there must be evidence to confirm it. But it doesn't exist. If there was, he would reveal one hundred percent. Who is to blame then?

It should be noted that the targeting of Russia by Armenian officials in recent days is based on rather shameless motives and points far from diplomacy. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on the air of "France 24" that in September last year, when Azerbaijan took possession of Karabakh, Russian officials called for the overthrow of the government in Armenia. Who was this Russian official? Pashinyan did not explain, he spoke irresponsibly.

Simonyan is following the same path now. Maybe it is the representatives of the civilian observation mission of the Council of Europe standing on the Armenian side of the Azerbaijan-Armenia conditional border that are causing the confusion? However, it is not appropriate to say that the speaker meant them. After all, Europeans are progressive, they are not enemies of humanity and peace like Russians (?). So who?

In fact, A.Simonyan's other ideas are to move away from the topic, or rather, from the subliminally voiced anti-Russian rhetoric. At first glance, there is no logic in what he said. It seems to be misleading. But it differs in that it reveals what it wants to hide. For example, the speaker of the Armenian parliament talks about the priority of ensuring the security of his country and says: "At our order, the army protects the borders of Armenia. We bring weapons from different countries to protect our borders with our own efforts."

Yes, that is the main issue. If Armenia brings weapons, it means that it is thinking about its use. He can't help but think. Of course, every country that buys weapons from abroad does not consider using them against its neighbor, which is natural. For example, if Georgia buys weapons from abroad, why should we think that the goal is to use those weapons against Azerbaijan. Likewise, Georgia is not worried when Azerbaijan takes the same step. Armenia is afraid. Because there is treachery in his character. When Simonyan says that Yerevan brings weapons from different countries, he conveys his tone with the same treachery.

On the other hand, by expressing such an opinion, Simonyan, in a certain sense, renews the old topic. Of course, the anti-Russian rhetoric of the recent past. He stated last year that Moscow handed over Karabakh to Azerbaijan after achieving the signing of the tripartite Declaration dated November 10, 2020. It is also known that this opinion of the Armenian speaker was not received unambiguously in Russia. A number of high-ranking officials, including the country's President Vladimir Putin, have expressed their position on the issue. Putin said that during the Prague and Brussels summits held in October 2022 and May 2023, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recognized Karabakh as the territory of Azerbaijan and that was the end of it. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov emphasized the same point.

Simonyan's words suggest that Russia's desire to take Armenia from Azerbaijan in 2020 was to keep both countries under control. Then we can think that Iravan opposed such control with his extraordinary actions and what did he do? He preserved the separatist structure in Karabakh and did not remove the military units belonging to the Armenian army in the region. Therefore, he disregarded the norms of international law.

At that time, another question arises: Whose benefit was the maintenance of separatism in Karabakh in the end? Of course, Armenia. And logically, Iravan had to fulfill the terms of the tripartite declaration so as not to fall under the yoke. But he did not go for it, he took a destructive position. He continued the conflict with Azerbaijan. If there is a "yoke" logic in the conflict with Azerbaijan, wouldn't it be possible for Armenia to stay away from it? Apparently not!

Let's approach the issue from another angle. Let's assume that Moscow wanted to keep Karabakh under Armenia's control, but Yerevan did not agree to this, because it did not want to be tied to its head? This is absolutely impossible. Also, what kind of yoke is the issue? Yes, Armenia has put the yoke of the West on its head. Currently, the country advertises itself as a democratic country that protects human rights and freedoms. He is trying to discredit Azerbaijan with this rhetoric. However, he had a chance to get along with our country. Even today there is. It's just that the Armenian government lacks sincerity.

Let's take a look at other ideas of A.Simonyan here. He emphasizes that he does not want to predict the possibility of a war with Azerbaijan, and that the team he represents is doing everything possible to prevent such a threat. Of course, the Armenian parliamentarian plays a game of words. He is trying to make his country look like a defensive side. Undoubtedly, such an approach is a time-tested method of portraying Azerbaijan as an aggressor, a time-tested half-baked method of making Armenians look oppressed. Because, as we emphasized, Simonyan says everything openly. That is, he emphasizes that they buy weapons from different countries of the world, and there is no oppression in this saying. On the contrary, complete certainty appears. It can be concluded that the speaker of the Armenian Parliament indirectly announces a new war. Let's also take into account that it is the Armenian media itself that spread the information about the country's intention to start a war with Azerbaijan.

