Suleyman Alasgarov: pearl of Azerbaijani culture, embodying spirit and legacy of genius composer Uzeyir Hajibayli


Today marks the 100th anniversary of birth of Suleyman Alasgarov, an iconic figure of the Azerbaijani culture, embodying of spirit and legacy of genius composer Uzeyir Hajibayli.


The pearl of the Azerbaijani music was born in the city of Shusha, the cradle of the Azerbaijani culture on February 22, 1924. The remarkable composer and worthy son of the Azerbaijani nation, Suleyman Alasgarov “breathed” and drew inspiration from his beloved Shusha, making his name synonymous with the city. His hospitable house in Shusha brought together numerous cultural and figures, intellectuals, foreign visitors, as well as the local residents. The worthy successor of the iconic Azerbaijani composer Uzeyir Hajibayli, Suleyman Alasgarov dedicated most of his life to the pedagogical activity, nurturing a host of Azerbaijan’s eminent culture figures.


His song “Wait for me” composed in 1942 has brought him great recognition and success, paving the way for the future rich composing activity, including two operas, twelve operettas, numerous symphonic works, cantatas, pieces and romances.


Suleyman Alasgarov entered the Union of Azerbaijani Composers in 1943, at the recommendation of Uzeyir Hajibayli.


Subsequently, he graduated with honors from Azerbaijan National Conservatory in 1948.


Alasgarov then held a post of the Artistic Director of the Committee for Cinematography of the Azerbaijan SSR from 1949-1951. He also managed Azerbaijan’s Song and Dance Ensemble from 1951 to 1952. From 1954 to 1956 he was the Director of the Dance and Song Ensemble of Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after Muslim Magomayev.


Suleyman Alasgarov then had a longer spell as a Director and conductor of the Azerbaijan State Theater of Musical Comedy.


His notable works include operas “Bahadur and Sona”, “Fading Flowers”, operettas “Ulduz”, “Flower of Love” “Millionaire’s beggar son”, as well as symphony “Motherland” and symphonic mugham “Bayati Shiraz”.


A prominent figure, husband, father and grandad, Suleyman Alasgarov could not bear a loss of his beloved spouse Aghgul in 1999 and the occupation of the city of Shusha by the Armenian invaders in 1992.


Suleyman Alasgarov passed away on January 21, 2000 in Baku.


Now, that the city of Shusha has been liberated from the occupation on November 8, 2020, following the 44-day Patriotic War, Suleyman Aladgarov’s last will has been fulfilled.


As the Azerbaijani nation commemorating the prominent representative of the Azerbaijani culture, President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Suleyman Alasgarov, the pearl of the Azerbaijani music.
