Parviz Shahbazov speaks at 4th meeting of Turkic states' energy ministers


Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov delivered a speech at the 4th Meeting of Energy Ministers of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Report informs, citing the ministry.

Shahbazov noted that the clear strategic vision and resolute policies of the heads of state, aiming to leverage the rich natural resources, energy-transport corridors, and great potential of our countries for mutually beneficial cooperation and great successes while preserving the spirit of brotherhood in a vast geographic area from Central Asia to Europe, have strengthened the status of the OTS. He emphasized the significance of the Karabakh Declaration adopted at the informal summit of the OTS in Shusha.

Shahbazov stated that President Ilham Aliyev's call for the "21st century to be the century of development of the Turkic world" and efforts to transform the Central Asia, South Caucasus, and Caspian regions into a single geopolitical region reflect the nature of Azerbaijan's relations with Turkic states in the new historical stage. He mentioned that Azerbaijan's trade turnover with member and observer countries of the organization exceeded $9 billion last year, with these countries investing $18.2 billion in Azerbaijan's economy, while Azerbaijan invested $20.3 billion in these countries.

Assessing energy cooperation as a strategic pillar of relations between Turkic states, it was noted that the magnificent contributions of the Azerbaijan-Türkiye energy union, such as BTC, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum, TANAP, and the Southern Gas Corridor, now ensure the energy security of numerous countries along with Türkiye. Over the past year and 8 months of this year, 41 million tons of oil and 37 billion cubic meters of gas have been supplied to Türkiye and world markets through these pipelines. This year, out of the expected 25 billion cubic meters of gas exports, 9.8 billion cubic meters are planned to be delivered to Türkiye and 12.5 billion cubic meters to Europe. The agreement on the transportation of 2 million tons of Kazakhstani oil through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and the gradual increase of these volumes is proof of Azerbaijan's connecting role between Central Asia, Türkiye, and Europe.

"Our energy cooperation with Turkic states is not only developing on an upward trajectory but also gives impetus to the realization of new projects and initiatives of regional significance. In this context, the 'Caspian-Black Sea-Europe,' 'Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan,' and 'Azerbaijan-Türkiye-Europe' green energy corridor projects via Nakhchivan will transform Turkic states into countries playing a crucial role in clean energy supply and energy transition in Eurasia. In addition to linking the rich energy potential and electricity systems of our countries, these corridors aspire to become a unified 'green energy platform' by ensuring exports to Europe via Azerbaijan and Türkiye," the minister added. He mentioned that the Intergovernmental Agreement on Strategic Partnership in the Development and Transmission of Green Energy between Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan is planned to be signed soon, and cooperation with Kyrgyzstan in the field of renewable energy is also on the agenda. He also noted that holding the Energy Transition Investment Forum for Central Asian countries within the framework of COP29 will be another opportunity for solidarity in the name of green energy goals.

Following the discussions, a Joint Communiqué on the outcomes of the meeting was signed. The Communiqué expressed support for the establishment of the OTS Energy Coordination Committee, the Regional Center for Technology and Green Initiatives, and green energy corridors. The document also reflected the readiness of Turkic states to actively participate in the COP29 Energy Day to be held in Baku on November 15.

Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan are members of the OTS, while Hungary, Turkmenistan, and Northern Cyprus are observer states.
