Italy’s special envoy: COP29 in Baku - course for inclusivity and ambitious solutions


The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) promises to be an event characterized by inclusivity, civil society participation, engagement of minorities, and youth involvement, Italy’s special envoy for climate change, Professor Francesco Corvaro said in an interview with Report.

“Having met with the COP29 team in Nairobi, I anticipate a COP29 characterized by inclusivity, civil society participation, engagement of minorities, and youth involvement. I don't think it will be an easy COP, much like the one in Dubai was not; however, having witnessed the determination of the team selected by Azerbaijan, I believe we can aim for ambitious outcomes that build upon what emerged in COP28 and go even further with even more significant ambitions, always keeping in mind that a sustainable future can only be achieved if we start from a sustainable present in environmental, social, and economic terms. Beyond this, there is a risk of delving into ideological positions that only contribute to generating international divisions, detracting from the only chance we have to tackle the climate challenge: international cooperation,” he said.
