Western Azerbaijani Community decries impact of Brussels meeting on peace and stability


The April 5 US-EU-Armenia trilateral meeting in Brussels hurts peace and stability in the region, reads a statement by the Community of Western Azerbaijan, Report informs via Caliber.Az.

The community stressed that the meeting between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen took place despite serious protests from the Azerbaijani government and public, as well as sensible circles of the international community.

"It is clear from the information disseminated following the meeting that the European Union and the United States have decided to provide significant financial assistance to Armenia. By assisting Armenia rather than Azerbaijan, the only party affected by the conflict, the EU and the US are encouraging this country, which has destroyed and polluted Azerbaijani territories with mines. It also encourages Armenia to launch new attacks against Azerbaijan," the statement reads.

The statement notes that despite appeals by the Western Azerbaijani Community, the issue of the return of Azerbaijanis expelled from Armenia was not put on the agenda of the meeting, which shows the hypocrisy of the US and EU on the issue of human rights.

"The community calls on the EU and the US to stop the policy of double standards and not to take steps that aggravate the situation in the region. If the EU and the US are really interested in respect for human rights and peace in the region, they should support not Armenia, which is pursuing a militaristic policy, but Azerbaijan, which is facing destruction and a mine problem, and facilitate the return of Western Azerbaijanis to their ancestral homeland," the statement reads.
