Political scientist: Provocation on Armenia-Azerbaijan border delays signing of peace treaty


The provocation on the border delays the signing of a peace treaty between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Such steps will naturally have certain consequences, political scientist, deputy director of the Institute of Political Research Daria Grevtsova told the Russian bureau of Report.


In her opinion, the provocation on the part of Armenia against Azerbaijan may have several reasons. “Firstly, these could be armed formations not subordinate to Pashinyan, who, on their own initiative, are trying to escalate the situation. Although, on the other hand, we can assume that this was not done by chance. Pashinyan wants to attract a mission of European observers to the region, expand it and make it military-civilian. In Yerevan, they really hope that the West will help them, and the more third-party participants there are in the region, the more profitable it will be for Armenia. Therefore, one of the reasons for such a provocation is Pashinyan’s desire to draw the attention of European observers to the situation,” the political scientist believes.


On February 12, the Armenian Armed Forces fired at the positions of troops of Azerbaijan’s State Border Service in the direction of the Kollugishlaq village in the Zangilan district, as a result of which serviceman Parviz Khalilzada was injured.
