Our national unity is a shield against enemies


The national idea that united us for more than thirty years - ending the Armenian occupation and restoring the territorial integrity of our country - was realized by our heroic National Army under the leadership of our respected President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. The blood of our martyrs did not remain on the ground, our sovereign rights were restored in the entire territory of Azerbaijan.

The main idea that unites us today is national unity. European Parliament, PACE, US Congress, State Department, French Senate, Germany are taking unpleasant steps against our country. The historical circumstances, the injustice and double standards that our people have faced in the international arena, the difficult tests they have been subjected to so far dictate the idea of ​​national unity. Only as a united people and uniting around a strong leader, we can build a free, strong, prosperous and prosperous Azerbaijan, which we have dreamed of for centuries. Big goals await us: strengthening the independence of our state, restoring the liberated territories, fully realizing the great return, accelerating socio-economic development and turning Azerbaijan into a leading country.

Of course, in a democratic and pluralist society, political struggle, conflict of political interests, ideological and tactical disagreements are natural in multi-party conditions. However, from the point of view of the national idea, the most important issue, philosophically speaking, is to protect the unity of the opposites that are fighting, that is, not to allow political passions to divide our society, and to achieve that the struggle and discussions are carried out in a constructive manner. The parliamentary structure established in the modern civilized world was born from this necessity and requires it.

We can achieve the solution of internal problems not with political slogans and statements, but with the development of legal frameworks and mechanisms that will ensure the solution of socio-economic issues. This should ultimately result in the establishment of social justice as the main condition for the harmonious development of society.

Undoubtedly, one of the great achievements of our country in recent years is the political stability achieved at the cost of enormous efforts. The history of mankind has revealed such an important truth: a wise statesman is the one who is able to carry out various reforms while maintaining stability in the society and not allowing it to fall into chaos and chaos. Our Honorable President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has demonstrated just such wisdom and skill during these years. I believe that maintaining this stability is, in fact, the duty of every citizen. That's why we have to protect the existing socio-political stability at all costs, and fight resolutely against all attempts that can cause the disruption of national unity as a first-class task. In order to ensure the unbreakability of our unity and solidarity, it is necessary to develop dialogue and cooperation with constructive forces, to strive for the permanent establishment of civil solidarity and national unity, and to achieve the establishment of solid foundations of civil society in the country. If these things are implemented, the attempts aimed at breaking our national unity will be met with resistance not only by the state structures, but also by society as a whole, and of course will fail.

It is clear that in addition to internal factors, external factors also play an important role in maintaining stability in the country. Therefore, a balanced foreign policy line aimed at strengthening the independence of our country and closer integration into the international community should be developed without turning back.

Today, among the issues that concern the Azerbaijani public, two are of special importance. The achievements we have won and the restoration of our territorial integrity should not cause complacency, the action to increase the combat capability of our National Army should be constantly strengthened. As they say, "If you want peace, you must be ready for war!"

The development of legal mechanisms aimed at social justice will play the role of a reliable foundation for the establishment of a free civil society in our country, which is a strategic task for our state. In order to fulfill the stated tasks, all sections of the people should unite around our strong leader, skillful diplomat, great founding figure, conqueror of Karabakh Ilham Aliyev, who is able to ensure the current and strategic interests of our Motherland, as was the case in the presidential elections on February 7, and strengthen this national unity in the face of all kinds of aggression of our villains. we must turn it into a shield.

Vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, academician


