"Pallone stain" on democracy


The skill of stun for the sake of pro-Armenianism

U.S. Congressman Frank Pallone has again, as they say, curdled. It is no secret that this person is closely connected with pro-Armenian, Armenian lobby and diaspora organizations in the United States, and acts in the interest and interests of those organizations. Also, he resorted to all kinds of tricks to fulfill the wishes of the circles he served. However, we think Pallone made a little too much gunpowder this time. Let's also take into account the fact that the darker the vinegar, the more likely it will crack its container.

F. Pallone's statement a few days ago is nothing more than a demonstration of the obvious cracks in his character and essence. It seems that the number of gifts and gifts they received from their Armenian masters has increased and the congressman had a brainstorm. We will pay attention to what Mr. Pallone said. But for now let's dwell on one point.

As it is known, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces carried out local anti-terrorist measures in Karabakh on September 19-20 last year. As a result of these measures, the separatist regime in the region was buried in the archives of history.

On the direct initiative of the Armenian authorities, Karabakh Armenians left their homes and went to Armenia. Undoubtedly, this step of the official Iravan was based on the intention of bringing the Karabakh adventure to a relative level. That is, if the region falls under the legal and actual management of Azerbaijan, the line of de-Armenianization of the territory was taken, and that line is today an important link of the anti-Azerbaijani rhetoric of the Armenian authorities and its patrons abroad. Allegedly, it was Azerbaijan that displaced the Karabakh Armenians. This is what US congressman F. Pallone said. So, what is the logic of making too much gunpowder?

The pro-Armenian congressman of the United States states that by ordering a "deadly attack" on Karabakh last year, the leadership of Azerbaijan allegedly violated international law, and it is an exceptional divine duty to face the grave consequences of the genocide campaign that led to the expulsion of 120,000 Armenians from their "historical homeland". Continuing his opinion, F. Pallone also said that the time has come for the United States to take measures to hold Azerbaijan's leadership accountable.

Of course, we are far from F. Pallone's intention to emphasize the simplicity of international law. We don't even want to say that when the United States recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, what is the congressman talking about? It's just interesting how and in what way such brains are represented in the supreme legislative body of the United States. I wonder if everything is so messed up in the country? It probably is. What else can you think of?

James O'Brien, the assistant to the head of the State Department of a country, expresses his opinion in a way that will interfere with Azerbaijan's relations with Iran, then what can you expect from the likes of F. Pallone? In other words, it is really funny what the pallones who have chosen extremeness as their standard of living say. Will Washington hold Azerbaijan's leadership accountable? I wonder how? We do not believe that Mr. Pallone is thinking about the mechanisms of this. O'Brien also did not rely on any mechanism when he said that the main part of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan should pass through the territory of Armenia and not through Iran. It was based on the US imperialist approach. For this approach, insulting all international legal norms is an even more common manifestation.

On the other hand, F. Pallone does not innovate at all with his ideas. He highlights the points that are typical for the anti-Azerbaijani oriented political line of the USA in recent days. What are these characteristic points? Of course, Amendment 907 of the Freedom Support Act and Section 502 of the Foreign Assistance Act, which has not been implemented since 1976. Both issues are "initiatives" that deprive Azerbaijan of direct state aid from the United States.

It is true that the fact that our country does not receive aid from the United States does not manifest itself in any material way. In other words, we don't need Washington's help anyway. The issue is related to the political and moral side of the topic. From a purely moral point of view, F. Pallone and his pro-Armenian friends are trying to isolate Azerbaijan from the world. In this isolation, the so-called essence of the existence of a supposedly negligent attitude towards human rights and freedoms in our country is taken as a basis. From a political point of view, there are more "subtle" issues here. In fact, F. Pallone also explains those issues. Thus, it is clear that a thousand games of a bear are in the head of a pear.

The pro-Armenian circles of the USA want to strengthen the hand of Armenia, as they say, against the background of peace negotiations with Azerbaijan. They believe that in this way they will ensure the interests of Yerevan. Note that Pellone says he is a Democrat. I wonder how he imagines himself in this ampoule? Very simple - as a democrat who proved that Armenia will be a reliable party in peace negotiations. That is, democracy in this person's understanding does not go beyond pro-Armenianism. Yes, F. Pallone, who has become a parody in the name of democracy, boasts that he also launched the so-called Defense Act of Armenia. Be proud, and we will return to the point we emphasized in the first paragraph of the article. It is about vinegar cracking its container. That is, the vinegar becomes dark and the pot cracks. Now let the progressive heads think that we do not doubt the existence of the United States. Let them think and come to a conclusion that there are people in their country who have turned the name of democrat into an object of play, and their "actions" are an extremely serious crisis of the democratic way of thinking of the United States as a whole. Let them also think that the democratic image of the United States will suffer a big blow because of the pallones who call yogurt black. It's not worth it, this process has already started. Undoubtedly, as long as the Congressmen remain, the move will completely destroy the country's already shaken reputation.


