Why is the West afraid of Russia's victory?


The defeat of Ukraine could be the weakness of the NATO alliance

Western politicians continue to warn of a possible war with Russia. The Secretary General of NATO said that the alliance should prepare for a "confrontation" that will not end for decades. The defense ministers of Norway and Denmark also spoke with similar rhetoric. The Norwegian minister said that there is no chance for democracy to win in Russia, and the Western world should take this into account. Moscow considers these claims unfounded and states that it is not preparing to attack any country.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag" that the North Atlantic Alliance should increase military production and prepare for a long-term conflict with Russia: "NATO is not looking for a war with Russia. But we must prepare for a conflict that could last decades. If Putin wins in Ukraine, there is no guarantee that Russian aggression will not spread to other countries. "The best defense now is to support Ukraine and invest in NATO's military capabilities." He called for more and faster orders for European defense companies. The Secretary General also stressed that arms manufacturers in countries with market economies need signed agreements to expand their activities. Jens Stoltenberg also said that the West should quickly rebuild and expand its industrial base.

Scandinavia is also worried about a possible clash with Russia. Danish Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen warned that Russia may attack NATO countries in the next 3-5 years: "It cannot be ruled out that Russia will test the power of Article 5 and NATO solidarity in 3-5 years. ... This is new information that has come to the fore now." Norwegian Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram also called for preparations for a possible military conflict after the end of military operations in Ukraine. According to him, Moscow can take measures in response to the new NATO membership of Finland and Sweden. At the same time, the Norwegian minister emphasized that there are no conditions for the victory of democracy in Russia: "There is no sign that Russia will be like us. The few Russians who try to protest are thrown behind bars or sent to war... This new Russia will stay with us for a long time." He called on Norway to increase investments in defense. The minister stressed that the Norwegian army should be able to "react in time and together with allies" in the event of a conflict. However, Russia does not accept these Western claims. In an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the authorities of NATO countries want to "scare" their population with the threat of Russia in order to "extract more money from taxpayers".

V. Putin said that the threat from Russia is imaginary, it is "exaggerated". In response to an American journalist's question about Russia's territorial claims on the entire European continent, the owner of the Kremlin said that getting involved in a global war is against common sense: "A global war will bring all humanity to the point of destruction." According to the Russian leader, Moscow's territorial claims to Western countries are completely excluded. However, V. Putin noted that if Warsaw attacks first, it can send troops to Poland. At the same time, the Russian leader emphasized that Moscow has no interest in either Poland or Latvia.

Poland's Minister of National Defense and Deputy Prime Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said in response that Putin's words not only inspire confidence, but also cause anxiety. He urged the republic to be ready for "various situations" and emphasized that he hoped that no statement could stop the vigilance of the Poles.

In Germany, they are also talking about the prospect of war. Bundeswehr Inspector General Karsten Breuer has warned that Germany is ready for war in five years. At the same time, he said that this does not mean that war will definitely happen, but it is important to prepare in time: "War preparation is a process that we will go through. But we don't have unlimited time for this."

Vladimir Jabarov, the first deputy chairman of the International Relations Committee of the Federation Council, said that the Scandinavian countries' claims are groundless. According to the Russian senator, "they always try to create such a situation that they start to fear Russia in the West: "All this is done with one goal - to keep the tension so that the people of their countries react practically calmly to the increased military spending. "The companies that supply the NATO armies with weapons and ammunition are getting rich." According to Vladimir Jabarov, the officials of Norway and other Scandinavian countries also "have a share" in the production of military products, so the situation is in their favor.

