Farid Shafiyev: Double standards in Western media obvious today


Western media are actively pursuing a policy of double standards, Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan’s Center for Analysis of International Relations (CAIR) Farid Shafiyev said during the presentation of the report “South Caucasus-Middle East Region: Geopolitics and Cooperation,” Report informs.

According to Shafiyev, after the end of the Second Karabakh War, Azerbaijan faced a number of challenges, including biased coverage of the situation in Karabakh by Western journalists. However, Azerbaijan strives for peace, he said.

“Both during the years of occupation and after it, Saudi Arabia was one of those countries that supported Azerbaijan,” Shafiyev noted.

He said that a similar bias can be traced towards Saudi Arabia. The US and UK are currently fighting a war against the Houthis, but when Saudi Arabia did so, it was criticized for it, he added.

The presentation was made for a delegation of representatives of the teaching staff of the National Defense University and the Saudi Arabian Command and Staff College, led by Abdullah Mohammad Hamdan.
