Thirty-second year of adventure


"Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" pan-Armenian union and the "ideal" closeness of the Armenian authorities

There is a crazy organization in Armenia. The name is: "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" pan-Armenian union. This union issued a statement on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of a fake document called the declaration of independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Of course, reacting to the issue is perhaps not so appropriate. However, the fact is that this statement was published by the "Armenpress" information agency belonging to the Armenian state. So, the situation is quite serious.

Yes, the situation is also serious because the state of Armenia, which emphasizes that it is trying to sign a peace treaty with Azerbaijan and tries to show itself as a progressive entity, is circulating such an issue of separatist nature through its media. No one can say that the position of "Armenpress" is not the position of the official Yerevan. There is one important point that we will bring to your attention at the end of the article.

First of all, let's pay attention to the organization itself. Apparently, the names Girdman, Shirvan and Nakhchivan are Azerbaijani toponyms. The Pan-Armenian Union is promoting their possession of our ancestral lands in the same way as the Armenians claim to dolma in our national cuisine. Just as the name of Dolma has not been changed, the name of our land is also preserved. That is, there is an extremely large shamelessness.

Second, there have been two Karabakh wars so far. Armenia faced a humiliating defeat in the Second Karabakh War. Prime Minister of the country Nikol Pashinyan declared that he recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, including Karabakh. Now, the state media of Armenia "Armenpress" is publishing the document of the organization that serves the separatist movement. It is the statement about the "independence" of "Nagorno-Karabakh". In such a situation, is it possible to sincerely approach the peace "bells" of the official Yerevan? Of course not!

Algarez, "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" pan-Armenian union stated that 32 years ago, on January 6, at the first session of the Supreme Soviet of Nagorno-Karabakh, the "declaration of independence" of Nagorno-Karabakh was adopted. Allegedly, Karabakh has passed all the legal stages of its "independence": "On September 2, 1991, the "Declaration on the Declaration of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh" was adopted at the joint meeting of the Council of Deputies of the province and Shaumyan District."

The statement also mentioned the "referendum confirming the independence" of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Province on December 10, 1991. As it is known, that process was boycotted by the local Azerbaijanis, and the independence of the "DKR" was voted for in the "referendum" attended by only the Armenian population. You can say that the independence achieved through such a legal procedure is based on solid historical and political foundations. On what grounds? The "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" All-Armenian Union did not forget to include those principles in its statement. This is the biggest historical fraud. The union claims that Azerbaijan declared its independence in 1991 as the successor of the republic that existed in 1918-1920. Supposedly, in those years, that is, during the period of the Azerbaijan People's Republic, neither Karabakh nor Nakhchivan were part of Azerbaijan...

You probably realized the magnitude of the nonsense. The "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" All-Armenian Union, whose statement was circulated by the Armenian state media, also claims that Azerbaijan has allegedly implemented a policy of apartheid and discrimination against the Armenian people, which has led to armed clashes and mass deportation of residents of peaceful Armenian villages. As a result, it became impossible for the two peoples to live together. And another piece of nonsense: "The constitution and laws in force in the USSR allowed autonomous entities and national groups living collectively to independently resolve the issue of their state-legal status when leaving the Union republic."

We believe that the last quote needs special attention. The point is that in the fruitless Azerbaijan-Armenia negotiations that lasted for many years, Irevan tried with all its might to show the separatist regime in Karabakh as a separate party. He wanted official Baku to sit at the same table with their representatives. So, why was the "referendum" mentioned above? The point is that the Armenian adventurers who have territorial claims against Azerbaijan, especially regarding Karabakh, wanted to unite the region with Armenia from the very beginning. It is no coincidence that Abel Aganbekyan, one of the ideologues of the Karabakh ambition, i.e., "miatsum", (advisor to the USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev on economic issues) stated in his statement to the French media in 1987 that Nagorno-Karabakh is economically connected to Armenia, not to Azerbaijan.

However, when the Armenian leaders saw that it was impossible to implement the "miatsum" directly, they held a "referendum" and tried to show the territory as a separate state. The determination to unite the region to Armenia was so great that the official Yerevan did not recognize the "independence" of the "DKR". That is, contrary to what was emphasized in the statement of the "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" All-Armenian Union, the purpose of the "referendum" was not to determine the self-determination of Karabakh Armenians. It was just an option.

There is another absurd point in the statement. As you say, Azerbaijan displaced more than half a million Armenians living in Shirvan and Nakhchivan and committed massacres in Sumgait and Baku in order to stop the process of independence of the "DKR". In any case, it is unprecedented to falsify history to this extent. But for a typical Armenian adventurer, this is a very ordinary matter. After all, there is elementary logic and the corresponding concept of time. Armenians leaving Baku, Sumgayit and other areas and going to Armenia is an earlier process. That is, when they left the Azerbaijani territories where they lived due to the situation created by those adventurers, there was no such thing as "independence" of "DKR". So, Azerbaijan could not oppose it.

The All-Armenian Union then switches directly to the current era and states that Azerbaijan carried out the next ethnic cleansing in Karabakh because of the impunity for the crimes it committed. Allegedly, our country created a humanitarian crisis that lasted for almost ten months and so on. In conclusion, the organization came to the conclusion that there is no alternative to the "independence" of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Let us emphasize once again that such an institution is operating in Armenia, which has declared that it wants to come to peace with Azerbaijan. That is, it is state registered there. The most important thing is not what this organization says in its statement. The main issue is that what he announced is a priority for the Armenian state. At this point, let's take a link to the point that we will come to at the end.

Let us state once again that in the statement of the "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" All-Armenian Union, it was claimed that during the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, Karabakh and Nakhchivan were allegedly not part of our country. However, it is a historical fact that Yerevan, the ancient land of Azerbaijan, was proposed to Armenia as its capital.

The Armenian state is also involved in such manipulations. Let's note that one of the main principles put forward by the official Yerevan for peace with Azerbaijan is the recognition of each other's territorial integrity according to the Alma-Ata Declaration of 1991. The Alma-Ata Declaration was signed on December 21, 1991. The "referendum" we talked about in Karabakh was held on December 10. That is, the decision of "independence" was made at that time and announced on January 6. At that time, the Alma-Ata Declaration and the issue of states recognizing each other's territorial integrity are losing importance.

Yes, Armenia can simply state that the law does not apply retroactively and that the "independence" decision was made before the Alma-Ata Declaration. Let's take into account that before the successful local anti-terrorist measures held by our country on September 19-20 last year and the full restoration of our sovereignty, the representatives of the Armenian government, including Prime Minister N. Pashinyan, emphasized the existence of the elected government of Karabakh.

Let's also take into account that after local anti-terrorist measures, more precisely, on September 28, it was reported that "DQR" was abolished, but the opinions expressed in Armenia towards the end of last year prove the opposite. For example, the former head of the so-called regime, Samvel Shahramanyan, said that "DQR" was created through a referendum and no one can cancel the decision based on the "will of the people". Like the Pan-Armenian association "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan", S.Shahramanyan is also in the territory of Armenia.

Moreover, the official Yerevan still does not hold back from its anti-Azerbaijani policy, its representatives show our country as an invader at various international meetings, and carry out propaganda in the current direction. However, such an approach is unacceptable. Armenia should show sincerity. By the way, one of the first indicators of sincerity should be the cancellation of the state registration of the organization called "Girdman-Shirvan-Nakhchivan" All-Armenian Union, which is rooted in adventurous intentions.






