Rabbi: Armenian lobby behind US State Department decisions regarding Azerbaijan


The US seeks to damage the international image of Azerbaijan, Director of the Baku Jewish School, Chairman of the Sephardi-Georgian Jewish Religious Community of Azerbaijan, Rabbi Zamir Isayev told Report.

He noted that the Jewish lobby in Washington is well aware of the level of tolerance that exists in Azerbaijan. He said that the Azerbaijani and American Jewish communities are trying to convey their indignation to the White House regarding the US State Department’s decision to include Azerbaijan in the religious freedom watchlist.

“This is the result of the influence of forces that do not want to see our country strong, that could not digest the restoration of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty,” said Isayev.

He added that the Armenian lobby is behind these events: “It is clear that we are talking about the Armenian lobby in the US, I say this openly. To my great regret, there are politicians who are subject to lobbyism, including the Armenian one.”

Isayev expressed hope for the restoration of justice and the triumph of truth: “We do not lose heart, we know where the truth is. I, as a believer, as a rabbi, am confident that justice will prevail, it just takes time.”

“In turn, we, as the Jewish community of Azerbaijan, have always supported and will support our Motherland in everything, including at the international level, with regard to international relations, as well as lobbying the interests of Azerbaijan. We are always ready and will continue to do this,” he added.
