Intensive work is being done to create polling station at Azerbaijani Embassy in US


Preparations are underway for the participation of Azerbaijanis living in different countries in the snap presidential elections to be held on February 7, 2024, Report’s US bureau informs.


To ensure the electoral rights of Azerbaijanis living in foreign countries, intensive work is being done to create polling stations in the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan in those countries, in the administrative buildings of embassies and consulates.


The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Washington appealed to Azerbaijani citizens Azerbaijan over 18 years of age who live permanently or temporarily in the territory of the United States, or who are on a long-term mission, to submit information about themselves to be added to the voter list.


In addition to the capital, it is assumed that Azerbaijanis living in New York and the surrounding states will also vote in the polling station that will be established at the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Washington:


"The work continues in this regard. The consulate operating in Los Angeles will inform the public about the activities of the voting center that will be established in that region in the coming days."
