Expert: Decisive measures for Baku-Yerevan normalization - driving force for regional stability


Recent steps taken as a result of negotiations between the Administration of the President of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia have opened a window of opportunity for further mutual or reciprocal scheme of arrangement to achieve better understanding and ultimately peace deal between two countries, Pakistani expert, executive director of the Center for South Asia and International Studies (CSAIS) Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan, told Report.

“The government of Azerbaijan has been pursuing all peaceful diplomatic means to normalize relations with Armenia. It has been closely coordinating with all the regional guarantors and global main stakeholders to reach on a peace agreement/deal with Armenia,” he said.

“The regional peace, prosperity, stability, sustainability and above all greater trans-regional connectivity and easy and smooth supplies of energy and foods have been compromised because of unwise political signaling and diplomatic posturing of Armenian government which has been heavily investing in hatred, genocide, ethnic cleansing and discrimination whereas. Thus, peace deal with Armenian would be great stimulator for the overall peace and stability of South Caucasus.

According to many prominent regional security experts and political pundits, the final peace with Armenia may be reached within next two months.”

As a result of negotiations held between the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, in the spirit of commitment to the principle of humanism, as a measure of mutual trust between the two countries and an indicator of goodwill, an agreement was reached on the release of 32 persons of Armenian origin by Azerbaijan and two Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenia.
