Azerbaijani Ambassador meets with ICESCO Director-General


Azerbaijani Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco Nazim Samadov has met with Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Salim M. AlMalik.

During the meeting, the sides discussed the recent visit of the Director-General of ICESCO to Baku, as well as the ways how to coordinate with various Azerbaijani entities further enhancing of existing partnership between ICESCO and Azerbaijan.

Director-General AlMalik expressed his sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to His Excellency, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for his unwavering support to ICESCO. He also expressed his thanks for the warm reception they received during their meeting in Baku on October 2, which was also attended by First Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva.

ICESCO Director-General hailed his meetings held with senior officials in Azerbaijan, including the Foreign Minister, Minister of Culture, Minister of Education, Minister of Youth and Sports, Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Space Agency, and the Rector of ADA University as fruitful, reaffirming the commitment of both parties to further enhance their partnership.

The meeting further explored the Embassy’s involvement in collaboration between ICESCO and various Azerbaijani entities, specifically in preparation for the celebration of Shusha as the Cultural Capital of Islamic Culture for 2024.

Ambassador Nazim Samadov noted that the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Rabat would spare no effort to strengthen the partnership between Azerbaijan and ICESCO.
