UN atomic watchdog's director to visit Moscow for talks on nuclear safety


The director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Monday that he will travel to Russia to hold high-level consultations as part of his ongoing efforts to ensure nuclear safety and security in the region, according to Anadolu Agency.


Rafael Grossi's remarks came during the agency's board of governors meeting in Vienna, where he discussed various issues including "current challenges" facing the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.


Grossi, who visited the site last month, reiterated his call for "maximum restraint and strict observance” of UN-agreed safety principles at the plant.


Drawing attention to the upcoming Nuclear Energy Summit, the first of its kind, which will be hosted jointly by the IAEA and the government of Belgium, Grossi said it will be an "excellent opportunity" to discuss the place of nuclear energy in the current energy debates.


The summit will take place on March 21 in Brussels.

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