Latvia: we are an excellent business partner


The Azerbaijan State News Agency

® Latvia: we are an excellent business partner

Latvia as a small country in Northern Europe has become a stable and reliable trading partner, offering a wide range high-quality products and services that comply with the international standards. Our knowledge and creativity not only allow us to develop unique products, but also guarantee their production and installation.


Reasons for Latvia’s competitiveness:


1. Latvia is an excellent platform for international trade that offers modern and efficient logistics routes to Western and Eastern Europe. Latvia, located on the Baltic Sea, has three main international ports — Riga, Liepāja and Ventspils — that are closely linked to the country’s land infrastructure, including an extensive rail and road system. This infrastructure guarantees fast and safe transportation of goods that serves as a key factor ensuring the process of international trade.


2. Latvia is a fully integrated member of all major economic and political organizations, including the European Union, NATO, WTO and OECD, promoting trade, peace, and freedom in Europe and the world. The foreign trade and customs policy of Latvia is based on free trade principles. Latvia is an EU Member State, country of the Schengen Area and member of the World Trade Organization, that provides Latvia all the benefits of free and open trade on world markets. Customs and border procedures are standardized to ensure efficient planning and coordination with trading partners around the world. Latvia has also become a full member of the OECD.


3. The country actively promotes scientific and technological development that leads to innovation in different sectors, for example, information technology, biotechnology, and food production. These innovations provide an excellent opportunity for export partners to access new and high value-added groups of goods and services.


4. Use of the Latvian currency, euro, allows companies and exporters to avoid currency risks and contributes to a stable financial environment. The stability is an important factor in choosing a business partner, especially for exports where currency volatility might cause problems.


5. Latvia is also known for its high quality food and natural resources. As a result of Latvia’s economic growth, the country has developed modern agricultural and food production industries, offering different products, including fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products. The diversity of products provides opportunities to establish stable trade relations that comply with the requirements and needs of different countries.


6. Latvia has earned recognition in different sectors, including technologies, industry and logistics. Latvia offers modern production and service facilities that comply with international standards and requirements.


7. The workforce of Latvia is multilingual, well-educated, professional, highly motivated and ready to take on new challenges. We are proud that the workforce of Latvia has strong work ethic that is an integral part of Northern European culture.


8. Although Latvia’s market may seem small compared to other world super powers, the country’s resilient economy and active involvement in international markets make it an ideal export partner. Latvia offers not only excellent opportunities to export goods, but also successful cooperation and an innovative approach to international trade.


In the north-east corner of Europe, Latvia is the centre of the three Baltic States, with Estonia and Lithuania as neighbours. It is located across the sea from Sweden, south of Finland and north-east of Germany. Latvia is home to creative minds and talented people who have been living on the Baltic Sea coast for thousands of years.


The companies from Latvia participated in the B2B Education Forum, which was held by Caspian Energy Club International on the basis of the official partnership of the LEF Network Azerbaijan project created by the European Union Central Baltic program and dedicated to the discussion of the development of new technologies and cooperation in the field of education between Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Azerbaijan. We would also like to inform you that on March 12-14th, 2024, more companies will visit Azerbaijan again within the framework of the program. In which they will participate in face-to-face B2B meetings, LEF B2B Forum, as well as business tours conducted by Caspian Energy Club.


Caspian Energy Club International was established in 2023 with the aim to manage international projects of Caspian Energy Club. Within 5 years Caspian Energy Club International plans to open offices in 100 countries across the world. One of the major functions of Caspian Energy Club International is to manage the Club’s activity in countries where no representatives are present, and work out a general strategy for all foreign offices.
