IOM Azerbaijan officially handed over rehabilitated karhiz in the Goranboy district


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Azerbaijan officially handed over the rehabilitated Karvansara kahriz located in Garadaghli village of Goranboy district to the local community within the IOM’s “Integrated Rural Development for IDP communities in Azerbaijan through Revitalization of Kahriz Water Supply System” project funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).


The rehabilitated kahriz, which is 1037 meters long and has 17 wells, is the longest kehriz rehabilitated under the current project, and it will provide 68 ha of arable lands belonging to 50 rural households with irrigation water. Consequently, it will lead to the growth in the agricultural production and increase in incomes of rural population. In addition, laboratory analysis of the water from Karvansara kahriz proves that this kahriz water can be also used for drinkable purposes.


Within the KOICA funded project, IOM Azerbaijan has already rehabilitated 30 kahrizes in Agdam, Fuzuli, Jabrayil, Goranboy, Goygol, Gazakh and Shamkir districts.

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