"ASAN Xidmet", Islamic Development Bank discuss prospect for cooperation


Chairman of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of Azerbaijan Ulvi Mehdiyev has met with Country Operations Manager of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Farid Khan.

Ulvi Mehdiyev hailed the successful cooperation between the institutions within the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the State Agency and IDB this year.

Farid Khan commended the concept of "ASAN Xidmet" as a unique model in the provision of public services, stressing the importance of the "ASAN visa" system and the "ABAD" project in supporting family businesses.

The meeting also discussed the project, which is scheduled to be launched regarding the implementation of "ASAN Xidmet" practice in Tajikistan.

Farid Khan proposed an initiative to hold an event on advanced management by the State Agency at the meeting to be held within the 50th anniversary of IDB in 2024.
