Agency official: Digital transformation to save 2,000 trees per year in Azerbaijan


About 500 government services have been digitized on the National E-government platform in Azerbaijan, Rashad Khaligov, Deputy Chairman of the Innovation and Digital Development Agency under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, told an event themed "Paperless Government: Environmental Impact of Digitalization and Innovation" held in Baku as part of the "29 Climate Conversations: The Road to COP29", Report informs.

Khaligov highlighted that in addition to the e-government platform, Azerbaijan has various other state information systems spanning social, customs, ecology, agriculture, and other sectors. The country has also established a Government Cloud (G-cloud) National Data Center and electronic signature systems, including a biometric signature system.

"Our citizens can obtain information from various government agencies using the electronic signature system," Khaligov noted. "We have also completed our data exchange project this year, enabling government agencies to exchange documents in digital format. We have finished the implementation phase and have started involving courts in this process from this year onwards."

The implementation of these digital initiatives is not only modernizing governance but also contributing to environmental sustainability. "With all these applications, we save approximately 2,000 trees every year," Khaligov emphasized, stressing the importance of continuing these efforts within the framework of the digital strategy.

As a government agency, Khaligov believes their main area of activity is unequivocally to formulate Azerbaijan's digital development strategy. "Our goal is to contribute to innovations and the application of digital technologies across all sectors," he affirmed.