Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic marks 100th anniversary


Today marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.


A solemn event has been organized in Nakhchivan on this occasion, AZERTAC`s Nakhchivan office reported.


Prior to the event, the authorized representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as state and government officials, public representatives visited the monument of National Leader Heydar Aliyev erected in the downtown Nakhchivan.


Moreover, the event was continued at the Heydar Aliyev Palace in Nakhchivan.


On December 30, 2023, President Ilham Aliyev signed the Decree "On the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic".

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