Can the retirement age of policemen in Azerbaijan be increased?


As we reported, the draft law on the pension provision of military personnel has been submitted to the Milli Majlis. In addition to a number of changes in the draft law, it is proposed to increase the minimum service requirement for retirement as a military employee from 20 calendar years to 25 calendar years in order to use the experience of military personnel for a longer period of time. The mentioned change envisages an increase in the pension provision of military personnel of a number of institutions, excluding any reduction in the pension provision of military personnel. From this point of view, such a question arises. Can the issue of increasing the retirement age of police officers come up?

Deputy Razi Nurullayev made a statement to on the subject. According to him, the issue of increasing the retirement age of policemen was not included in the Milli Majlis.

"I would like to note that the issue of increasing the minimum service requirement for military service retirement from 20 to 25 years has been discussed in the National Assembly. I do not think that the issue of increasing the retirement age of police officers will be on the agenda."

It should be noted that when military servicemen who have served in the military for 20 calendar years or more before the date of entry into force of the draft law are discharged from military service before completing 25 calendar years of military service, they will also be entitled to the benefits of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Labor Pensions" until January 1, 2024. norms will be applied. These norms will comprehensively allow military personnel to use their acquired rights.

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