Azerbaijan joins international charity bazaar in Morocco


An Azerbaijani delegation has participated in the international charity bazaar held in Rabat, the capital of Morocco.


Since 1989, the event has been organized annually under the patronage of the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI.


The fair, held at the National Library of Morocco, showcased products of the diplomatic missions from about 40 countries. The Embassy of Azerbaijan in the country also actively participated in the fair.


Morocco’s Princess Lalla Meryem closely acquainted with the stands of different countries, including Azerbaijan and was provided detailed information about the examples of cultural heritage of the country. It was emphasized that the carpet, kelaghayi and dolma are included in the representative list of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage.


The stand, featuring samples of the rich culture and national cuisine of Azerbaijan, supported by Export and Investment Promotion Agency of Azerbaijan (AZPROMO), aroused great interest among visitors of the fair.


The national stand of Azerbaijan displayed "Azerchay", "Balkhurma", "Bizim Tarla", "Balli", "Baghdan", "Lankaran Tea" and other local products.


A significant portion of this year’s funds will be directed towards assisting the victims of the devastating earthquake which hit central Morocco on September 8.

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