Asian Parliamentary Assembly: Azerbaijan's parliamentary elections demonstrate significant progress


The snap parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan have showcased a significant advancement in the country's electoral process, according to Mohammad Reza Majidi, the Secretary General of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), Report informs.

Speaking at a press conference on September 2, Majidi praised the conducive environment provided for the smooth conduct of the voting process.

"Proper arrangements were made for international observers," he noted. "We are very pleased that APA representatives participated in the elections. I also thank the Central Election Commission (CEC) for creating the necessary conditions for us as international observers."

Majidi emphasized that the purpose of their observation was to ensure the impartial and democratic conduct of the elections. He highlighted the active participation of voters at the polling stations and commended the CEC's efforts in ensuring transparency.

"These parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan have demonstrated a very significant progress in the electoral process," Majidi concluded.
