Azerbaijani envoy briefs Slovak diplomat on Armenian border violations


Faig Guliyev, Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Georgia, met with Matush Bushovski, Slovakia’s ambassador to the same country, and reported on the actions taken by Armenia on the conventional border, Report informs.

Guliyev told his counterpart about the background and aftermath of the previous conflict and gave a comprehensive account of the historical importance of the 2020 victory and the 2023 local counter-terrorism measures, as well as the firm and positive stance of Azerbaijan.

The ambassador stressed that Armenia’s inconsistent and provocative conduct in recent times has been intolerable and detrimental to the regional peace process. He also shared detailed information about the mine contamination of Azerbaijani lands and the incidents provoked by Armenia along the conventional border.

Guliyev also provided an overview of the expanding economic collaboration between Azerbaijan and Georgia, and the ongoing and planned major projects. He pointed out that the strategic partnership between the two nations should benefit both peoples and contribute to the development of the South Caucasus region as a whole.

Bushovsky congratulated Azerbaijan on the successful conduct of the extraordinary presidential elections, which reflected the choice of the Azerbaijani people. He then expressed his belief that Azerbaijan would play an active role in the regional cooperation context.

The ambassador said that Slovakia was eager to enhance its ties with Azerbaijan. He also hoped to maintain contact with the Azerbaijani Embassy during his mission. The sides also discussed the current developments in the region and various related issues.
