Hikmat Hajiyev: Azerbaijan expects proper explanation from Armenia regarding territorial claims


Azerbaijan expects a proper explanation for the legal and also constitutional framework of the Republic of Armenia that still holds the element of the Miatsum (the aim of unification of Azerbaijan's Karabakh region and Armenia) and also territorial claims, Hikmat Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration, said.

According to Report, the diplomat was speaking during a panel on “Peace, Development and Connectivity in the South Caucasus" held within the framework of the III Diplomacy Forum.

According to Hajiyev, open issues that need to be resolved remain between the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia after the Berlin meeting.

"That's on agenda of Azerbaijan to advance a peace treaty [with Armenia]," he said, adding that a peace treaty shouldn't be just for the sake of a peace treaty.

"There should be real ownership and there should be real and genuine intentions for the peace. And from that regard, Azerbaijan also puts an emphasis for a bilateral component of the peace treaty, he said.

Hikmat Hajiyev noted that the message is that peace lies between Baku and Yerevan.

"Peace is not in Paris or in Brussels or somewhere else," he said.

"These two countries should come together and advance an agenda," he said.

Hikmat Hajiyev also noted that Azerbaijan and Armenia should also resolve the border delimitation issue.
