Chief Justice Martha Koome: Kenya keen on sharing judicial experience with Azerbaijan


Azerbaijani Ambassador to Kenya Sultan Hajiyev has met with Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of the country Martha K. Koome.


Underlining the importance of establishment of the Azerbaijani embassy in Kenya in 2023, the Chief Justice wished the diplomat success in his activity.


Ambassador Sultan Hajiyev highlighted the history of Azerbaijani statehood, the country’s achievements during the period of independence, and the restoration of territorial integrity as a result of the glorious Victory in 2020. The diplomat also informed the Chief Justice about Azerbaijan’s large-scale restoration and reconstruction works, as well as mine clearance carried out in the liberated territories in the post-conflict period.


Noting that Azerbaijan will play host to a number of prestigious international events, the ambassador emphasized that the country would be hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) this year, and the Thirteenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF13) in 2026. The diplomat also mentioned Azerbaijan’s contributions to the activities of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) together with other member states during its chairmanship of the organization.


Sultan Hajiyev underscored that the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries this year would be conducive to strengthening dynamically developing relations, and this, along with other domains, could provide an opportunity to establish fruitful cooperation between the two countries’ courts.


Emphasizing the importance of implementing various joint initiatives, including reciprocal visits, Kenya's Chief Justice Martha Koome expressed her country’s interest in sharing experience with Azerbaijan in the judicial and legal domains, especially in learning Azerbaijan's experience in digitalization of judicial operations. She also provided insight into the foreign relations of the Supreme Court of Kenya.
