Bias of the European Parliament


The historic victory of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War and the subsequent military and political victories, including the complete restoration of territorial integrity and state sovereignty as a result of local anti-terrorist measures in September of last year, are the cause of anti-Azerbaijani, Islamophobic and Turkophobic circles in the West. , as they say, dragged his sleep to the throne.

During the period when Armenia occupied the lands of Azerbaijan, those circles did not raise their voices, did not exert any pressure to withdraw from the lands occupied by the occupier, even from the seven regions that had nothing to do with the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Province, they cannot forgive our country for saving our lands from the enemy at the expense of our strength. They make groundless attacks on our country under various pretexts, slander, and try to overshadow our righteous work.

The conference called "Protection of the cultural and religious heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh" held on January 24 in the building of the European Parliament in Brussels is also of this kind. The fact that the conference was held under such a provocative name and the opinions expressed there suggest that the event is part of the attacks against Azerbaijan. Slovakian member of the European Parliament Miriam Leksman, Italian member of parliament Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Secretary General of "Europa Nostra" organization Sneshki Kuedvlig Mihajlovic, Secretary of the Conference of European Churches Petea Pavlovic spoke at the conference.

They repeated the traditional false Armenian theses regarding the cultural and religious heritage in Karabakh. One of the main speakers was Pierre de Arjan, an expert in the field of international law, presented by the Armenian media as the "representative of the historical and cultural heritage of Karabakh at the UN International Court of Justice".

Archimandrite Garegin Ambarsumyan, director of the Echmiadzin church's propaganda center and "head of the spiritual and cultural heritage department of Karabakh", Armine Tigranyan, "cultural heritage expert", Tigran Balayan, the ambassador of Armenia to Belgium and representative to the EU, who went to Brussels to participate in the event. "they gave their support. In particular, Armine Tigranyan drew attention to the fact that today more than 4,000 Armenian monuments (?), monastery complexes, and other cultural objects are under the control of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijanis can allegedly destroy them.

The participants accused our country of "committing cultural genocide" (?) in Karabakh, that is, on its territory, and noted that one of the main ways to prevent this is the presence of international peacekeepers and clear mechanisms. In order to please the representatives of the "suffering Armenian people", the deputies of the European Parliament assured them that they will do everything in their power to keep this issue in the focus of the executive body of the European Union. Deputy Fabio Massimo Castaldo considered it acceptable to use European satellites to monitor and document everything happening in Karabakh in order to use it in international structures in the future. At the end of the conference, the participants watched the video address of Belyami, a French member of the European Parliament, who participated in organizational work.

As we mentioned, at present, some countries of the West, including France, and regional organizations under the strong influence of Paris, are attacking our country with the flag of the "Armenian issue" in their hands. Their approach is reminiscent of the Crusades of the Middle Ages. Time shows that although the West has changed and developed on the outside, it remains the same on the inside. The thinking of its representatives is still stuck in the Middle Ages. This approach is regrettable.

In our opinion, at this point, it is appropriate to quote President Ilham Aliyev's address to the nation on December 31, 2023: "For 30 years, the Armenians destroyed our lands, razed all our houses, historical buildings, and mosques to the ground, and at the same time committed genocide against us. , committed ecocide. Our rivers were poisoned, our forests were destroyed. All this was done by the Armenian state. Unfortunately, for these crimes, they have not become an object of condemnation in the West to this day..."

Yes, those circles in the West were silent during Armenia's crimes, but they are currently busy accusing Azerbaijan without grounds. Europeans who have done this have become accustomed to continuous victories over the past centuries. They built great empires, transported the underground and surface resources of the colonial territories to the metropolises, worked and bought and sold their people as slaves, achieved all their goals and became a hegemonic force.

Creating a coalition, the West bombed Iraq in 1991, former Yugoslavia in 1999, invaded Afghanistan in 2001, and Iraq in 2003 under different names. In some cases, the resolution of the UN Security Council was not even needed. Thanks to the incendiary policy of the West, in 2011, the processes called "Arab Spring" started in the Middle East and North Africa. As a result, mass riots and civil wars started in about 30 countries, including Syria, Egypt, Bahrain, Lebanon, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria and other countries. Legitimate governments have been overthrown in some countries, and bloody conflicts are still ongoing in others. According to estimates, those events caused the death of at least 800,000 people, including civilians. But someone has pursued his interest in these processes with the "Divide et impera" ("Divide and rule") approach, a typical imperial mindset inherited from Ancient Rome.

The West calls Armenia the main pillar in the South Caucasus region. Although the officials do not say it, pro-Armenian culture and art figures and journalists call Armenia a "fortress of Christianity" surrounded by Muslim countries on three sides. For example, Brian May, a member of the famous British group "Queen", said after the border conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in September 2022: "Armenia is a small country without any oil, gas or great wealth. It is an island of Christianity and democracy surrounded by Muslim regimes on all sides.

It is one of the most peaceful countries in the world. At present, Armenia is again threatened with a plan to wipe it off the face of the earth. Armenia is completely defenseless against the Azerbaijan-Turkey-Russia alliance (?) and needs the full support of the West to survive."

Yes, this is the approach of the absolute majority of Western officials. In such a situation, they cannot digest the victory of Azerbaijan, which has chosen the model of secular statehood, over the Western stronghold in the region, even though the majority of its population is Muslim. In our opinion, the root of the attacks on our country should be sought here. At the same time, the synchronicity of these attacks is an indication that they are controlled from the same center. However, they don't seem to understand that by this they are harming Armenia, which they "burned into" in the first place. Interventions from outside have a negative impact on achieving peace between Baku and Yerevan. The absence of peace means that Armenia will remain in the same state of isolation as before.

Political commentator Rizvan Huseynov, head of the "Caucasus History" Center, who shared his views with "XQ" said that the so-called event held in the European Parliament is part of the continuous anti-Azerbaijani policy of France and some of its subordinates. According to him, we see the beginning of a campaign against Azerbaijan at the level of PACE and European Union structures: "Supposedly, they are worried about cultural heritage and so on.

But here a simple question arises. In such events, at least one person should express the position of the other party. Counterarguments should be brought to the accusations made there. Failure to do so is just plain bias. Their main desire is to impose sanctions against Azerbaijan. This idea was also voiced there. There will be no consequences. From this point of view, the opinions of the voice are nothing but propaganda."

As for the monuments in Karabakh, Rizvan Huseynov noted that the monuments in the economic region are protected: "The state of monuments belonging to Armenian or Albanian heritage is clear. The state of Azerbaijan is sensitive to the issue. Why is it not mentioned once in that event that monuments of Azerbaijani heritage - mosques, tombs, cemeteries, caravanserais, fortresses - were destroyed on the territory of Armenia and in Karabakh during the occupation. Mosques and cemeteries were insulted. So, this is both a prejudice and an event carried out by the crusaders from the perspective of Christian bigotry. So, the crusade against Azerbaijan continues. In the Middle Ages, the crusades were prevented by the generals from Azerbaijan - Nurettin Mahmud Zangi and his protege Salahaddin Ayyubi. They defeated the crusaders. It seems that even now modern crusaders want to experience their fate. "Azerbaijan will play its historical role in the current processes as it did then."

Political scientist Yegane Hajiyeva stated that the European Parliament's approach never reflected reality and was based on an anti-Azerbaijani position. According to him, we witnessed this both during the occupation and after the occupation: "Political groups of parties from the member countries in the European Parliament have close relations with the Armenian lobby and serve their interests. Therefore, it is common to hold such an event. The opinions expressed there cannot reflect reality."

According to Yegane Hajiyeva, although the Armenian occupation was reflected in the resolutions and statements adopted by the European Parliament before the Patriotic War, a policy of double standards was always followed against Azerbaijan: "The institution never pressured Armenia to leave the occupied Azerbaijani lands. In no case did he call for compliance with the UN resolutions approving the occupation and respect for the norms and principles of international law."

The political scientist noted that the European Parliament and other international organizations should take a principled, fair and impartial position and not serve the interests of any party if they want to mediate in the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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