What are Peter's "concerns" about?


Relations between the European Union and Azerbaijan cover a number of important areas. For more than 30 years, official Baku has been taking the necessary steps for the dynamic development of its relations with the "Old World". The implementation of this policy aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation is also in the interests of Europe, and the strategic cooperation agreements signed with many countries of the union are proof of this.

However, after the Second Karabakh War, the awakening of the crusader instinct is observed among the Europeans. Europe, which turned a blind eye to the 30-year Armenian occupation, tries to accuse Azerbaijan of inappropriate issues and makes arrogant, fabricated statements. All these actions once again show that democracy in Europe comes up only when it suits the interests of the "Old World" and the "democracy" of Europeans has nothing to do with justice and international laws.

Why do we think so? Because we have serious reasons, after all, justice should be for everyone. Armenia devastated the lands of Azerbaijan for 30 years, displaced 1 million Azerbaijanis, destroyed historical and religious cultural monuments, but Europe, which called itself the "protector of human values" during all these years, was content with just making statements on duty. Foreigners visiting the liberated lands are horrified when they see traces of Armenian vandalism. Citizens of foreign countries who compared Agdam city to Hiroshima also saw with their own eyes that Armenians committed unique atrocities against Azerbaijan.

In Christianity, it is recommended to behave moderately towards the house of God. But for 30 years, Christian Armenians committed offensive actions against all the mosques they came across in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. This barbarism of the Armenians, who turned the mosques into stables, did not cause any reaction in the "Old World". On the contrary, some European officials, instead of condemning Armenian vandalism, began to defend Armenian fraud. Here, too, we observe double standards. This is confirmed by the baseless statements made by representatives of the European Union about Azerbaijan recently.

For example, Peter Stano, the spokesman for the EU's Foreign Relations and Security Policy, still makes baseless claims. This European official is still spinning the old shaft. In an interview with the Armenian press, P. Stano said that "the EU uses all opportunities to send a clear message to Azerbaijan that any violation of Armenia's territorial integrity is unacceptable and will have serious consequences for our relations." I wonder if P. Stano does not hear the statements of the Azerbaijani leadership on this issue? After all, on January 10, in an interview with local television channels, President Ilham Aliyev clearly stated that Azerbaijan had no plan to attack Armenia: "They accuse us of wanting to attack Armenia. If we wanted, we would enter and go to the very end."

But by expressing his "concern", P. Stano is trying to please the Armenians, trying to create the impression that Armenia is in danger and the "address" of this danger is Azerbaijan.

In fact, the "concern" of the European official is not related to the segvisil towards the Armenians. Yesterday it became known that the mission of the European Union in Armenia sends 1,500 patrols to the border areas. According to information, the mission will observe the situation on the ground and prepare a report. This information explains the reason for the "concern" of European officials. Using the "threat of an attack" on Armenia, the EU increases its presence in the border areas with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is just an excuse. Europe pursues its own political goals here, instead of improving the relations between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Armenia, it aims to achieve its goals in the region.

The other Peter is on the same track as his namesake. We are talking about Peter Mikhalko, the head of the representation of the European Union in Azerbaijan. This official also tries to accuse Azerbaijan by jumping over his head. He writes on his "X" page: "I was horrified by the news about the treatment of some recently arrested journalists in Azerbaijan, especially young women, who were handcuffed, put in glass cages or denied basic human needs in the courtroom." Here you don't know whether to cry or laugh? I wonder if the media representatives who have a share of the police baton in the center of Paris, which they call the cultural center of Europe, take seriously what this official said? In fact, P. Mikhalko should be horrified by the results of mine terrorism carried out by Armenians against Azerbaijan.

This European official also knows very well that Siraj Abishov, operator of AzTV TV channel, and Maharram Ibrahimov, employee of AZERTAC news agency, were killed in a mine explosion in Kalbajar district, which returned to the control of Azerbaijan after the 44-day war in June 2021. Those mines were placed in the area by the Armenian terrorists, whom the EU described as "tormentors" and tried to defend them at every opportunity. When that tragedy happened, P. Mikhalko did not have the courage to condemn Armenia, which carried out mine terrorism. He was content only to express his condolences to the victims of this terror.

It is interesting that the European officials are not worried about the pressure of the authorities on media representatives in Armenia and the violation of judicial rights. However, such injustices are happening in Yerevan. Litigation, insulting actions of official representatives towards media representatives are not out of the agenda. But the European officials, who consider Nikol Pashinyan's "democracy" acceptable, turn a blind eye to such illegalities and enjoy the "attacks". Apparently, such calculations are more appropriate for P. Michalko, a Slovak who does not even have a single mosque in his country.

Sabuhi Mammadov
