3 aspects of France's interests in the South Caucasus


Justice cannot be restored by injustice.

Great leader Heydar Aliyev


All secrets come out at some point.

From the sayings of the wise


Part II

Enigmas of global politics: The French fragment

In the first part of the article, we asked the last question: maybe there are hidden, invisible aspects of the issue? What "underground organization" could be against it? Scientific studies and journalistic investigations allow to shed some light on the main points of the current aspect.

Emmanuel Macron, who looks calm, cultured and democratic from the outside, is actually someone who has many secrets, so to speak, boiling inside. His marriage, as well as his step-by-step promotion in his career, are not the result of the independent struggle of a talented and hardworking person. On the contrary, E. Macron, like most Western politicians, who has a great influence on a global scale and tries to keep the world politics, economy, culture, military-defense and information-communication systems in his claws like a "centipede", a group of circles (that is, not one, but several different characters) , who fulfills the orders of specially organized circles).

We do not write these things to single out and humiliate the president of France. However, for the sake of truth, why is official Paris so unobjective in the South Caucasus, why does the French Senate adopt immeasurable documents, why does it sell arms to Armenia, why do the commissions of the UN, the World Bank, and the European Union make biased decisions? we are trying to understand the constructive stubbornness and truth denial, the open and primitive lies of the official circles of this country.

Because if all this raises questions for an outside observer, it is impossible that the highly intelligent professionals who run the course are unknowingly on the wrong track. There may be hidden centers, mysterious circles that direct them, demand that they be like this. And the matter is not limited to E. Macron. B.Obama, B.Clinton and those who were and are currently working as heads of other Western countries can also be included in that list.

Those who build "spider" webs everywhere

We understand that there is also a danger of spiraling into conspiracy theories. French sociologist Alain Turenne relates the main source of conspiracy theories to the lack of access to information for the majority of people. There is a great truth here. So, it is not easy for people and even scientists in the world to get information. In the West, this fact creates a class of "offended intellectuals". These people are scientists. They are dissatisfied with the fact that they cannot get information, and with the limited opportunity to participate in the affairs of the society at the level and scale they want. They direct their displeasure to official circles. They believe that the superiors deliberately do not let the intellect close so that they do not fall into a situation where they are deprived of the opportunity to realize their plans. A number of influential people clearly emphasize the current situation.

As an example, we can show an opinion expressed by the well-known banker David Rockefeller in 1993. Doctor of Sciences, Professor Igor Semenenya wrote about that idea. D. Rockefeller said the following: "If we were to come under the light of the public, the plans we have prepared for the whole world would not be possible... The world is now more inclined to create a One World Government. "The supranational power of the intellectual elite and world bankers (the choice is ours - F.Q.) is more necessary than the right of self-determination of nations, which we have practiced for centuries."

There is another aspect of the matter which is very important for us. How difficult and complicated is it to behave as an independent state of Azerbaijan? How was it possible to achieve this? The leadership of Azerbaijan was able to overcome all obstacles due to hard work, activity, high intelligence, deep and skillful diplomacy and it continues! We should be proud and understand the great responsibility that each of us has!

"Global mediator" of injustice

Of course, E. Macon is the head of a great state like France. However, questions arise in terms of his political career and how he built it. As they say, this is the fate of Macron - he lives it! Several well-known journalists and analytical centers in Europe have investigated this. As a result, interesting information appeared. The ability to dwell on each of those pieces of information is limited. And there is no need for it. Because we are not interested in the personality and activities of the French president in terms of who he is. Here, in the example of E. Macron, "Who can become the head of state in the West and what path do they take for this?" the search for a general answer to the question is important.

When looking for an answer to the question, what forms of social, political, geopolitical injustice the presence of "information privacy" as expressed by A. Toure generally creates in the United States and Europe, and the status of philosophical and political relevance. The issue is not limited to the growing socio-political and informational injustice in Western societies. What is more interesting for us is how this philosophy of justice "jumps", "projects" to the international level and through what channels it is realized. Figuratively speaking, "what circles are the global mediators of injustice, lack of objectivity, lack of humanitarianism and lack of constructiveness on a global scale?" The answer to the question is the main search direction for us. The issue is not purely theoretical. On the contrary, such a statement is related to the facts of the mysterious trends observed on the world scale and confirmed in the policies of the South Caucasus. France does not accidentally confront a regional leader like Azerbaijan by trampling the truth. Or for an outside observer, any connection between the Russia-Ukraine war and the rebellion of drug lords against the authorities in Ecuador can be called absurd. It is possible that there is no direct connection between conflicts occurring in different regions of the world. However, when we approach the issue from a general level, despite the diversity of its manifestations, a completely different picture emerges. And there, the strange aspects of the South Caucasus policies of France and other major European states are shed light.

It becomes clear that the geopolitical paths leading to Eurasia, Africa, North America, Asia, Australia, Latin America intersect somewhere or have the same source. For example, any religious radicalism in the Middle East and the crisis in the Pacific Ocean, Iran's attack on Pakistani territory and the activation of the PKK in Iraq, and the sale of more weapons to terrorists in Syria are not isolated fragmentary events. In that sense, the defeat of the Armenian (and other hidden) armed forces in Karabakh by the Azerbaijani Army in a short period of time is a serious historical, political, geopolitical and military event. It is for this reason that Western countries, including France, do not want to accept the trend. It seems that the global plans of the "global mediator" have been disrupted!

We have no doubt that those circles see the Karabakh war as the violation of China's plans related to COVID-19, and maybe even higher. It was reported in the media that B. Gates was reprimanded by his superiors for the pandemic failure. They said that the main goal was to create a socially insecure image of China, and B. Gates said, "you failed." We have no doubt that in the next 1-2 years, those circles will further intensify the revenge movement. That is, the 2nd and 3rd waves of the pandemic may occur.

As if these were not enough, Azerbaijan demonstrated its strength on the battlefield and even inflicted a heavy defeat on the army supported by the "global mediator". They have always supported the aggressor not only on the political-diplomatic level, but also in the legal and military spheres. They are worried that the Azerbaijani state, along with its military power, is taking a course of independence with even greater determination. This sends a message to the whole world that those who can act like Azerbaijan can be independent and protect their interests.

In addition to these, it is thought-provoking that France shows negative activity in the direction of Azerbaijan. Here, of course, the factors of Turkey's growing influence and Azerbaijan's regretting the "global mediator" played a role. But official Paris shows more concern and resulting bias, blackmail. On the one hand, this indicates the weakening of French diplomacy, on the other hand, it means that the French leadership is more under the influence of the "global mediator".

Final proof. On January 17 this year, the French Senate discussed a new slanderous document about Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani parliamentarians reacted to it immediately. The International Relations and Interparliamentary Relations Committee of the Milli Majlis issued a statement. It was stated in the statement that the French Senate is questioning the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. This has a very negative effect on the relations between the two states, and in fact those relations are "at the lowest level in history and almost stopped".

Apart from that, the statement mentioned the various mass killings carried out by France and the behavior that is contrary to international law. The current situation means that France as a state has not been able to achieve any positive results in the direction of the South Caucasus. On the contrary, its historical reputation was seriously damaged. Because Caucasians and, first of all, Azerbaijanis value the French state and the French language, literature, and philosophy. Cultural relations between the two countries have always had a special place in our history. The power of Emmanuel Macron has crossed all this.

Against the background of the points we have highlighted, an interesting and relevant question arises: Who are you, Emmanuel Macron? It is in the light of this question that it is necessary to focus on the conditions under which the head of state of France is president and also on a number of mysterious aspects of the South Caucasus policy of the country as a state. Here, the personal side of people's lives is absolutely not in our sphere of interest!

(to be continued)

XQ analyst, doctor of philosophy
