If the Zangezur Corridor is not opened, Armenia will remain at an impasse again


When analyzing the geopolitical situation in the region during the past 3 years since the Patriotic War, first of all, the peaceful position of our country is clearly noticeable. At the same time, the intention of the official Yerevan to keep the Karabakh issue frozen again, to prolong the status quo indefinitely, the occupier's preparation plan for rematch and the attempt to stall the final settlement process in a diplomatic deadlock reveal that it is not trying to eliminate the conflict. This is evident in the fact that the tripartite statement signed by the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia on November 10, 2020 has not yet been fully resolved.

In this context, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who gave an interview to local TV channels yesterday, in fact, once again expressed all the conditions of official Baku for signing a peace treaty with Armenia and drew attention to the "road map" of the normalization process for the other side.

At the Silk Road Forum in Tbilisi, our head of state commented on the initiative of the Prime Minister of Armenia, the "intersection of peace", which is a renamed form of the "Armenian junction" project. It should be noted that such an idea, which envisages the creation and development of communications between Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran, Georgia and Armenia, is actually not new. This was voiced by Azerbaijan three years ago, and currently Nikol Pashinyan acts as the author of that proposal.

In response to the reporter's question on this issue, the head of our state emphasized the impossibility of realizing such projects in the region without Azerbaijan's consent. In addition to his opinion, the head of state said that Armenia's taking this initiative in its own name is, in fact, just a PR campaign. Because the occupying state does not fulfill the relevant provisions of the tripartite statement of November 10 and actually neglects its obligations. Therefore, to cover it up, at the same time, he makes such a proposal to delete the word "Zangazur corridor".

In an interview, the head of Azerbaijan stressed that the word "Zangezur Corridor" is very irritating to Armenia and stated that the corridor does not question the sovereignty of any country. He emphasized that there is a North-South corridor that passes through the territory of Azerbaijan. This does not mean that our sovereignty is questioned here. With some logic, Armenia approaches the expression "East-West Corridor" with a different point of view. As the head of our state rightly noted, the other party called it "Armenian crossroads", or "roadblock", and later "peaceful crossroads". But in fact, this is nothing more than a PR campaign.

In the interview, President Ilham Aliyev once again recalled the relevant provision of the well-known tripartite statement of November 10, and said that Armenia, first of all, has undertaken the obligation to provide unimpeded passage to Azerbaijan in the area between Zangilan and Ordubad, and that cargoes, as well as citizens and vehicles, going from Azerbaijan to Azerbaijan, that is, from other areas of our republic to Nakhchivan, will not be allowed to pass. drew attention to the desire to obstruct his free passage without passing the inspection and without being involved in the customs administration. At the same time, the head of our state reminded that it is a fair position to apply all customs duties in the process of transporting goods from other countries through the territory of Armenia.

In the interview, the head of state also touched on another important point regarding the Zangezur corridor - the issue of road safety: "I have repeatedly told the Armenian leadership that Armenia's guarantees are not enough for us. The statement of November 10 indicated that Russian border guards carry out security and control in the area of ​​42-43 kilometers, and this obligation must be fulfilled. Armenia wants to avoid this now. However, this is also not logical. Because Russian border guards are at the airport of Yerevan, Armenia, at the Armenia-Iran, Armenia-Turkey border. Why can they stay there, but not here? Simply, this is an excuse not to open this road...".

At this point, let's remind that in the past, the patrons of Armenia, for example, France, tried to prevent the opening of the corridor, and even did not hesitate to slander Azerbaijan on this issue. For example, some states that defend the interests of the occupying state and believe in justice have accused our country of wanting to realize its goal by using force if this path is not opened.

In the words of President Ilham Aliyev, however, this is an absurd accusation. It is France that spreads such cheap rumours. We know for sure that they were talking everywhere, and it probably continues today, that Azerbaijan will attack Armenia today or tomorrow. However, there is no basis for this, no preparations are being made, and today it is impossible to hide the preparation. Because everything is visible from above, from a satellite, there are other sources of information...

In the interview, Azerbaijan's future activities related to the corridor infrastructure were also reviewed. Thus, without waiting for the end of the disturbances of the forces that did not want to restore peace and tranquility in the region, our country realized the idea of ​​choosing an alternative path - it was decided to unite the main part of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan. In this regard, an agreement has already been reached with Iran. In the past short time, the groundbreaking ceremony of the infrastructure was held. Currently, the construction of the first bridge in the direction of Aghband has already started, and the construction of the second bridge in the direction of Ordubad is planned this year.

By the way, the route proposed by Armenia through manipulation from the main part of Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan is completely unusable and it is impossible to operate that road regularly. Because the terrain of that route is unfavorable, the road is often closed in autumn and winter. In this case, the most efficient option is from Mehri territory. Railroads and highways were operated in this geography during the Soviet era. If Armenia does not agree to such a fair and efficient proposal, there will certainly be a sad situation in its economic and commercial relations.

In the interview, our head of state spoke in detail about the tasks that are incumbent on him regarding the transformation of the Caspian region into one of the main centers of the energy transition of Europe, even planning to increase this potential by 30 percent by 2030, as well as the fact that our country will host a major event like COP29 this year. At the same time, the head of our state said that all this is of great importance for Azerbaijan, shows the international reputation of our republic and informs about our successful policy.

Analyzing the course of recent events related to COP29, the head of the country emphasized that as a result of very precise and thought-out diplomatic steps, a favorable opportunity was obtained to hold this prestigious event in Azerbaijan:

"Although the host of COP30 is known - Brazil, the host of COP29 was not known until the last days. Especially during the last weeks, even after the COP conference started in Dubai, there were still active diplomatic contacts, and here we got what we wanted. However, here, again, our stubborn traditional friends tried to hinder us at both events, at COP29, as they say, in a more secret form. Because here, at the same time, a step towards peace in the region was intended, and going against this step would certainly not bring honor to anyone...".

Therefore, despite the fact that the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, i.e., COP29, will be held in Azerbaijan this year, all efforts were in vain and justice won. The decision in this regard was taken at the plenary session held in Dubai on December 11 last year.

COP is very important and one of the most important events in the world in the fight against climate change. The fact that Azerbaijan was chosen as the host for this event by a unanimous decision among the countries of the Eastern European Group is an indicator of high confidence in our country. Azerbaijan has already gained a positive enough image in the field of hosting international events. The decision to hold the event in Azerbaijan is also important because it was made two and a half months after the local anti-terrorist measures of Azerbaijan. This indicates the support of the world community for the steps taken by Azerbaijan.

This event, in addition to being an oil and gas country, will prove to the whole world how much Azerbaijan sees the green economy as a priority area. Holding the event in Baku will give a great impetus to the further increase of the reputation of Azerbaijan and the direct and easy delivery of the country's realities to the world community.

As emphasized in the interview, COP29, which will be held in our country in 2024, is an important international platform where the world's most urgent human problems are discussed. Holding this event in Azerbaijan is an indicator of great trust and confirms the position of our country as a responsible and reliable partner in solving global problems.

Being a party to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Azerbaijan contributes to the fight against global climate change. SOCAR's voluntary commitment to reduce methane emissions to zero at COP28 is a manifestation of our country's sensitivity to climate problems.

It should be noted that "Transition to green economy" and becoming a supplier of "green energy" are among the priorities of Azerbaijan's economic policy. The announcement of 2024 as the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in our country by the appropriate decree of the head of state will stimulate initiatives in this direction.

In an interview with local television channels, President Ilham Aliyev also touched on the Great Return Program and shared his views on the implementation of rapid recovery and reconstruction projects implemented in Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic regions. In this regard, the head of state talked about the tasks ahead in the reporting year and what institutional steps were taken to involve local entrepreneurs and foreign investors more actively in these works. In the interview, the head of the country highlighted, first of all, the infrastructure projects in the territories freed from occupation, as well as the main achievement - the settlement of the displaced people who moved to five settlements. This year, the return of displaced people to those settlements will continue. This year's Investment Program will be approved by me in the coming days, it has already been discussed several times. The Investment Program for Karabakh, Eastern Zangezur, and other parts of our country is our main tool for recovery," he said.

It should be noted that the implementation of infrastructure projects in Karabakh and East Zangezur will be continued this year, the construction of reservoirs, roads, bridges, railways, schools and hospitals will be kept in mind. Special importance will be given to the implementation of projects related to drinking water lines and electricity.

Measures will be taken to restore Sarsang and Khachinchay reservoirs. The Kondalanchay Reservoir in Fuzuli will be opened in the near future. The construction of Zabukhchay Reservoir will be completed this year. As a result of all this, the irrigation water supply of a large area will be solved.

Today, industrial enterprises are being established in the territories cleared of the enemy. Two large industrial zones are already operating in Agdam and Jabrayl, and their territories are expanding. Such rapid restoration and construction works also require the return of a larger number of former settlers to their ancestral lands - the cities of Shusha, Jabrayil, Kalbajar, Khankendi and Khojaly.

In the interview, the head of state said that the return of former IDPs to the cities of Agdam, Zangilan, and Gubadli in 2025 is planned, and the restoration of the villages of Karkijahan, Malibeyli, Turshsu in Khojaly has already started, and by the end of 2026, 140 thousand former IDPs will return to their grandparents. He emphasized that the return to their lands is the main task. "I am sure that we will achieve this. I must state once again that we do all this at the expense of our own internal capabilities. No donor organization, no other party helps us. However, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have given us brotherly support in connection with the construction of two schools in Fuzuli, and all other projects are being implemented at the expense of domestic resources," the head of the country noted.



