Dennis Sammut: Azerbaijan receives insufficient assistance in mine clearance


Assistance provided to Azerbaijan in the field of demining is insufficient, Director of LINKS Europe Dennis Sammut said at an event themed "Solidarity with landmine victims in the South Caucasus: an important pillar of the strategy to eliminate landmines and their consequences in the South Caucasus", XQ informs.

According to him, mine victims should never be forgotten: "Because it is a humanitarian problem and everyone should constantly inform the international community about this issue. We should try to make each country approach the issue regionally and work together. We would like the South Caucasus countries to consider joining the Ottawa Convention. This document prohibits the use and production of mines. We must take steps for a mine-free South Caucasus. The reason is that the assistance provided to Azerbaijan in the field of demining, work is not adequate for the framework of the problem. Next year, we will invite donor organizations to Azerbaijan and we will make calls to do as much work as possible concerning the problem."
