“Azerbaijan Room” opens at UN Geneva Office


The opening ceremony of the “Azerbaijan Room” has today been held at the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland.


Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva Tatiana Valovaya, as well as representatives of host of countries in Geneva attended the event.


Addressing the event, the Azerbaijani FM and the UNOG Director-General said that the room would contribute to the fruitful activity of the office.


The room, featuring the up-to-date equipment, enables the hosting of meetings and presentations.


The design of the room features various national elements, including photos depicting Azerbaijan’s rich nature, history, as well as the elements of Shabaka, Azerbaijani traditional stained glass technique. Moreover, it also highlights the Garabagh carpet, and Azerbaijani musical instruments essential for Mugham.


The project was implemented with the support of Azerbaijan’s permanent representative office to UN and the Heydar Aliyev F Nooundation.

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