President Ilham Aliyev congratulates oil industry workers


President Ilham Aliyev congratulated oil industry workers on the 30th anniversary of the "Contract of the Century" and Oil Workers' Day.

“The "Contract of the Century," a landmark event in our nation's history, and Oil Workers' Day are deeply connected with the name of our National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Thirty years ago, thanks to his visionary leadership and steadfast will, the "Contract of the Century" was signed, marking a turning point in Azerbaijan’s development. It positioned our country as an active player in international energy projects. These large-scale projects, implemented in partnership with foreign partners, not only secured Azerbaijan a strategic place on the global energy map but also contributed to the stability of the world’s energy supply.

Through this large-scale project, our National Leader bequeathed future generations a legacy of economic independence and sustainable growth. Over the past 30 years, Azerbaijan’s economy has flourished, and the country’s influence on both regional and global stages has strengthened. Foreign investment flowed in, infrastructure was modernized, jobs were created, and the quality of life for our citizens improved markedly.

Development of Azerbaijan’s oil and gas sector, driven by a diversified energy policy, modern energy infrastructure, and international cooperation, has made the country a reliable partner and a model for others. Today, Azerbaijan supplies natural gas to 10 countries, and the ongoing expansion of energy projects further elevates our nation’s importance in the region while paving the way for the development of new economic sectors.

In response to global challenges, Azerbaijan is also spearheading new initiatives to increase renewable energy resources. The "Green World Solidarity Year" and the upcoming COP29 international conference, which Azerbaijan will host, represent opportunities to widely utilize sustainable energy and deepen international cooperation in this field, and will make an important contribution to addressing global environmental challenges,” the congratulatory message said.

President Ilham Aliyev stressed that the ever-evolving oil and gas sector is currently going through a new historic period. The remarkable achievements of past decades are closely linked to the development of the energy sector and the "Contract of the Century" as its basis.

“I am confident that the fruits of your dedicated labor will continue to serve our people for many years to come. I wish each of you new accomplishments and success on this path,” the President added.
