Hirkan National Park marks 20th anniversary


A scientific-practical conference to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Hirkan National Park has been held.


The event, attended by officials from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Azerbaijan office of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), local executive authorities, and eco-volunteers, focused on the unique ecosystem of Hirkan National Park.


Discussions centered on the significance of Hirkan forests inscription to the UNESCO World Heritage List, with a focus on future collaboration with UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Rashad Allahverdiyev, Deputy Head of the Biological Diversity Protection Service, made this statement to journalists.


The conference highlighted the accomplishments of the past two decades, showcasing projects within Hirkan National Park and featuring photo traps capturing the region's diverse wildlife. International experts contributed through video presentations, offering insights and perspectives. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented a certificate from UNESCO Director General, officially confirming the inscription of Hyrcanian forests in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Participants were treated to visual displays, including footage from the 45th session of UNESCO, providing a comprehensive overview of the journey towards preserving and recognizing the ecological importance of Hyrcanian forests.
