Baku hosts opening ceremony of 3rd Korkut Ata Turkic World Film Festival


The opening ceremony of the 3rd Korkut Ata Turkic World Film Festival was held at the Heydar Aliyev Center on Sunday.

Held as part of the "Shusha - Cultural Capital of the Turkic World for 2023", the festival is co-organized by the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan, the Heydar Aliyev Center, TURKSOY, Cinema Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and Baku Media Center.

The event first featured a video highlighting the unity of the Turkic world.

Addressing the event, Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Culture Farid Jafarov said the festival aims to foster the unity of the Turkic world and cultural cooperation among Turkic nations. He also emphasized that along with the well-known artists of the Turkic world, the event also brings together the officials.

Other speakers at the event included Deputy Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkish Culture (TURKSOY) Sayit Yusuf, Director of the Korkut Ata Turkic World Film Festival, film critic Ihsan Kabil, Director of the Azerbaijan State Film Fund, Honored Art Worker Jamil Guliyev. They informed the participants about the relations between Turkic peoples in various fields, including culture, rich cultural heritage of Azerbaijan, film traditions.

The first and second editions of the festival were held in the Turkish cities of Istanbul and Bursa in 2022, 2023, respectively.

About 32 feature, documentary, and animation films presented by Gagauz Yeri (Moldova), Tatarstan, Sakha-Yakutia, Dagestan (Nogai), Kabardino-Balkaria, Chuvashia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tuva and Bashkortostan (Russian Federation), alongside films from Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan will be screened at Nizami Cinema Center from October 8 to 11.



