Azerbaijan presents 4th Voluntary National Review at UN headquarters


Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov presented the country’s 4th Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the High-Level Political Forum held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, U.S.

Addressing the forum, Mammadov provided insight into the measures implemented by the Government of Azerbaijan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the progress made, including the mechanism for attracting investments to the SDGs, the restoration and reconstruction works in the liberated territories, the reintegration of these territories into the country's economy, as well as the measures implemented in the field of sustainable and inclusive development.

Noting that Azerbaijan ranks among the top five most mine contaminated countries globally, the deputy minister said: “Mines hinder the reconstruction and restoration works carried out in the liberated territories, and as a result the Azerbaijani citizens become victims of landmines. For this purpose, the 18th Sustainable Development Goal initiative was put forward by President Ilham Aliyev, and for the realization of this initiative, the draft of the 18th SDG was prepared and presented to the local and international community. The 4th Voluntary National Review also features the essence and purpose of the 18th SDG.”

Emphasizing that environmental sustainability stands as a cornerstone of Azerbaijan's development strategy, Sahib Mammadov mentioned that energy transition and green transformation are high on the country’s agenda, with the aim to increase the share of renewable energy to 24% of installed power capacity for electricity generation by 2026 and to 30% by 2030.

“In line with its nationally determined contributions, Azerbaijan is committed to achieving a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. We have also voluntarily committed to creating a net-zero emission zone in the Garabagh and Eastern Zangezur regions of Azerbaijan. In line with our commitment to sustainable development, Azerbaijan is preparing to host COP20 in 2024. We envision playing a key role in facilitating global dialogue and cooperation to achieve successful outcomes in this regard," he underlined.

Then, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov answered the questions of the High Level Political Forum participants regarding the Voluntary National Review.

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