Political pundit: Issue of returning exclaves to Azerbaijan is seriously being discussed in Armenia


The issue of returning exclaves to Azerbaijan is seriously being discussed in Armenia, political pundit Ilgar Valizade told Report.


According to him, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, is preparing his society for the return of exclaves to Azerbaijan by saying that the concepts of territory coincide with the territory of the Armenian SSR:


"We have seen this in the past. Perhaps this speech of Pashinyan serves as a preventive measure for certain steps and is aimed at pushing people to certain issues. However, I do not think that this speech will be received unambiguously in Armenian society. However, the events also show that Armenia is forced to accept the peace agenda in one way or another and to act according to the guidelines set by Azerbaijan. Because there is no other way."


The expert emphasized that, against the background of the delimitation and demarcation process, such speeches cannot be accidental: "In my opinion, specifically, issues related to the return of exclaves to Azerbaijan are being discussed. I think that this speech is related to that. Because we know that during the Armenian SSR, the exclaves belonged to Azerbaijan."

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