Korotchenko: Insulting the monument in Yerevan is 'spitting in the face of Russia'


The desecration of the monument erected in memory of the Leningrad children who were under blockade located in Yerevan is an indicator of the anti-Russian mood in Armenian society, Igor Korotchenko, the Director General of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies, said in a statement to the Russian Bureau of Report.

According to him, this action cannot be justified: "This is "spitting in the face of Russia." Moreover, this is an indicator of the Russophobia and anti-Russian mood that has begun to prevail in the current Armenian society."

Korotchenko stressed that such a mood has been observed in Armenian society for a long time.

According to the political scientist, the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, should have officially apologized to Russia: "Relevant law enforcement agencies of Armenia should thoroughly investigate this crime and hand over the person to the Russian judiciary to prosecute the criminal and make a fair decision about him."

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