MP: Estonia could mine its border


Deputy Chairman of the Riigikogu's National Defense Committee Leo Kunnas (EKRE) said the use of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines is important when defending the border, Report informs via ERR.


Kunnas, a colonel and reservist, told ERR three conditions are needed to construct protective facilities on the border.


"The first thing we should do is replace the stockpiles of ordnance and mines that we gave away to Ukraine. For example, we gave away a very large quantity of anti-tank mines. We need to replace them immediately and then get more mines, more explosives, and more ordnance," he said.


The MP said the next step would be to leave the Ottawa Treaty that bans the use of anti-personnel landmines. All three Baltic states have signed the agreement.


Thirdly, Kunnas believes Estonia should start domestically producing explosives for military purposes, which could be used in anti-tank mines, anti-personnel mines, mortar mines, and also in the production of artillery shells.


"This production capacity would be important for us, because the quantities are also very large. Once we have done these things, we can start talking about the fact that we could start seriously building defense facilities," the MP said.

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