In January, agricultural exports reached 70 million dollars


The production of competitive agricultural products based on the principles of sustainable development in the country, which ensures further strengthening of food security, contributes to the increase of export potential and the improvement of welfare in rural areas, as well as the formation of the processing industry is one of the priority directions of the socio-economic policy.

In accordance with the relevant decisions adopted by President Ilham Aliyev, a multifaceted state support system has been established for the development of agriculture, and the amount of resources directed to strengthening the potential of this field is increasing.

According to the information of the Agrarian Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, in January of this year, the total production volume of agricultural products increased by 1.2 percent compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The value of the total production volume of the product in this sector amounted to 491 million manats at actual prices. Of this, 95.4 percent (468 million manats) fell to the livestock sector, and 4.6 percent (23 million manats) to the vegetable sector. In the reporting month, the share of added value created in the fields of agriculture, forestry and fishing in the GDP was 2.9 percent.

Along with all this, during the said period, agricultural products in the amount of 70 million dollars were exported. The volume of exports increased by 12.1 percent compared to the corresponding period of last year in terms of value.

According to the Ministry's Agrarian Credit and Development Agency (AKIA), the sale of 58 agricultural machinery was financed by this institution in January. It was noted that the said agency allocated 25.2 thousand manats for the purchase of 10 cattle breeding animals, as well as 7.3 million manats for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment. Last year, 352 million manats were spent to pay subsidies.

