Antalya lesson for Armenia


Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF), which was held for the third time and was attended by 4,700 people from 148 countries, has ended. The main motto of this forum is "Prioritizing diplomacy in times of crises", along with many current topics such as global problems and crises, climate change, immigration, anti-Islamism, trade wars and artificial intelligence, etc. issues were discussed.

The main goal of the event was to create a common discussion platform to find a way out of the crisis situations we are facing. In his speech at the end of the forum, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stated that the event has achieved its goal to an important extent, ongoing wars, terrorism, illegal migration, xenophobia decisive steps have been taken to achieve a joint solution to many problems.

One of the main discussions at the forum was the progress of the peace process in the South Caucasus region, the negotiations between Armenia-Azerbaijan and Armenia-Turkey, and the removal of obstacles to the real results of the measures taken to achieve peace. At the 3rd Diplomatic Forum, the Armenian delegation led by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ararat Mirzoyan, was represented. Ruben Rubinyan, the authorized representative for the normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations, was also among the representatives. Armenian diplomats met with their counterparts from Turkey and Azerbaijan, the situation in the region and various aspects of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Armenia-Turkey relations were discussed.

Against the background of the agreements reached in Berlin between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it was expected to hold a meeting at the level of the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomats in Antalya to continue the peace process, and Azerbaijan rightly voiced this opinion at the Antalya forum that Armenia should take steps that show its readiness for peace agreements.

It has been a long time since Azerbaijan sent peace proposals to Armenia, and Armenia should eliminate its claims against Azerbaijan in the 1991 Declaration of Independence against the territorial integrity of our country, and also amend the 1995 Constitution adopted after the Declaration of Independence. It was also stated that the signatory of the declaration of November 10, 2020 and the opening of the communication line connecting the Western regions of Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan should fulfill its obligations in accordance with the document it signed.

If Armenia refuses to fulfill this obligation, it is difficult to achieve lasting peace. Armenian representatives, as usual, gave various excuses and suggested that this was not the subject of negotiations. In front of world diplomats, they were helpless in front of the fact that 8 Azerbaijani villages occupied by Armenia were returned.

Diplomats from different countries also witnessed this, which country wants to extend the peace process? By prolonging this process, Armenia gathers new supporters and increases the tension, and continues to buy weapons from different countries. Why should a country that wants peace buy offensive weapons from countries like France and India? Ruben Rubinyan, who tried to answer this question, appeared to be a novice and a casual "diplomat": "We are not arming ourselves... We have a security problem, also because of Azerbaijan..." He says both this and that. As if the world does not know what kind of disasters can be caused by arming a country where hate and hatred are at their peak? There are those in Armenia who believe that France and other patrons of Armenians are dragging Armenia into disaster by arming it.

The Antalya Diplomacy Forum, where its readiness for peace was evident, revealed that Armenia is a dangerous force for the region. It was clear that Armenia's position regarding the Zangezur Corridor has the same political calculations. Reiteration of the Kaliningrad option proposal from the main territory of Azerbaijan to Nakhchivan gives Armenia a chance to think again. The position of Toivo Klaar, the special representative of the European Union on South Caucasus issues, regarding the connection of the main territory of Azerbaijan with Nakhchivan was the main topic of the debates.

Armenians began to worry about Klaar's position as a change of opinion of the European institutions. In fact, any sane person understands that the opening of all communication lines undertaken by Armenia is primarily for the benefit of this country. It is obvious that Armenia's resistance in this matter will not have any result, for the simple reason that the opening of this corridor is in the interest of the entire region and the countries beyond it. No political power and interested state will appreciate the political calculations of the state that hinders this work. Commenting on the Antalya meetings, David Grigoryan, an analyst close to Pashinyan's government, says that in anticipation of the opening of the corridor from Zangezur, we should pass through Turkey and ask for an unhindered passage to Europe... Look at the level of inequality!

Issues related to the establishment of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia and the opening of borders were also discussed at the Antalya forum. The representative of Turkey, ex-ambassador Sardar Kılıç was forced to say to Rubinya's face that Armenia has been turning down the offer to meet for several months. Also, this is an indication that Armenia is trying to manipulate the peace negotiations. The representative of Armenia cites the excuse of Turkey's conditions. Of course, as a condition, nothing was voiced. But Armenia should give up its claim to Turkey's Eastern Anatolia territories and its demand for "genocide", remove the picture of Mount Ağrı from the national emblem, and remove the word "enemy" from the anthem of Armenia, which insults the Turks. This is already a topic of discussion in Armenian media institutions.

These issues should be reflected in the "Armenian History" book, which is taught as a textbook in secondary schools. Sardar Kılıç clearly told the Armenians in the discussions within the forum that "while it is possible to discuss and reach a result among ourselves, it is a pointless attempt for Armenia to visit different centers. In the past, those centers, including the Minsk group of the OSCE, caused a lot of damage to this process." The Turkish diplomat noted that we are the owner of the region, we can discuss and solve these problems. Kılıç wants to say that foreign interventions in the region can harm the peoples living here in general, and it is futile for Armenia to look elsewhere for the peace process.

The Third Antalya Diplomatic Forum was a new lesson for Armenia. He was shown the optimal ways for Yerevan to make a decision in the future. It was understood that the regional states, which are interested in achieving stability and peace in the region, will not leave this matter to the hands of Armenia and its patrons.

Ghafar Chahmaqli,
Correspondent of XQ Turkey
