Agil Mamiyev - Prestigious promotion of our country in the global business environment is our main priority!



® Agil Mamiyev - Prestigious promotion of our country in the global business environment is our main priority!

Meet Agil Mamiyev, a dynamic entrepreneur from Lankaran, Azerbaijan. His journey from a small-town dreamer to the founder of recognized Millionaire Concept is a tale of passion, innovation, and relentless drive. Today, Agil shares with us his inspiring story, the challenges he faced, and the milestones that have shaped his journey in the world of business.


Can you share the story of your journey from Lankaran, Azerbaijan, to becoming an internationally recognized entrepreneur and founder of Millionaire Concept?


From my childhood, I've always had a huge passion for business and innovation. Now, I can confidently say that I've put all my efforts into it. During my school and university years, I was the most active, not just in class but among my peers as well. I've always had this energy inside me that allowed me to stand out and introduce new ideas. Time and again, I worked on self-improvement and development. And here I am today, as your interviewer. Yes, it wasn't easy to get to where I am now. But I've always tried to learn as much as possible. I'm not even satisfied with what I've achieved; I keep striving to go further and higher.


What were the key challenges and turning points in establishing Millionaire Concept in Azerbaijan and expanding it to major cities worldwide?


Our team works on developing partnership relations with international organizations and private structures, allowing us to make an important contribution to conducting top-level business events and creating our own projects with a unique message to the global business community. Among the members of our club, we have successful individuals from different fields, mainly from our fraternal countries Turkey, UK, İtaly, France, USA, Monaco, Mexico, Spain, Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East.


How has Millionaire Concept managed to secure its place among the top 10 indoor business clubs in the world, as recognized by a leading British publication?


Prominent British media prepare special lists and publications about business clubs from various countries. By sharing our goals and program, we were able to make it into the top list of the British press. This means that we are on the right track and doing everything to represent our country well in the business world.


In 2019, we held our first major event in Baku – the Millionaire Concept Gala Evening. Celebrities and influencers from different countries visited us. We made a significant impact and have since implemented several successful projects, establishing connections with various organizations. As a result, currently has its official representations in over 10 countries worldwide, including Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, and others. Our main goal is to contribute to the development of tourism in Azerbaijan and attract new investors to the economy.


Could you elaborate on Millionaire Concept's role and experience as an official partner in the international presentation organized by Vasconi Architects and UNESCO in Venice?


It was the “Rice From The Ashes” event organized by our compatriot, the Vice President of Vasconi Architects company, and the Ambassador of Millionaire Concept, Aytan Mirzoyeva. Among the guests at the event, were critical business people and the UNESCO president, as well as UNESCO Goodwill ambassadors. The main purpose of the event was charity, and all proceeds were allocated to the event that took place in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon.


How did the collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Business and Made in Italy institution come about, and what does the official trademark mark signify for Millionaire Concept?


I think luxury starts in Italy. After the mentioned business relations with Italy and our presentations in Italy, we decided to establish our platform. Recently Millionaire Concept, which I am the founder of, received the official trademark mark from the Italian Ministry of Business and Made in Italy institution. Millionaire Concept, created in Azerbaijan, developed rapidly in a short period, gained a great reputation, and today successfully continues its activities under the brand name Made in Italy.


As we know, "Phygital Sustainability Expo" was held in Rome with the support of "Made in Italy Enterprises", the Italian Ministries of Economy and Tourism, as well as the partnership of "Rome 2030 Global Expo". You were also invited to participate there by the Ministry of Made in Italy Enterprises. Can you tell us a little about it?


Phigital Systainability Expo has more than 2,000 fashion design brand members worldwide. The main goal of this annual project is to reduce waste by fashion design brands through sustainable packaging, reuse and sales, and waste management strategies. More precisely, this is one of the most important projects for both economic and global nature protection.


I also held several meetings during the event. Among them, Mr. Matteo Zoppas, President of the Italian Trade Agency, and Mr. Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy. I would like to inform you that in this meeting we discussed the successful cooperation between the two countries in various fields and exchanged detailed views on future joint activities.


Later, I also attended tete-a-tete meetings with Mr. Mariano Angelucci, Head of Rome 2030 Global Expo and Minister of Tourism. Overall, I was very pleased with the event. I think that the more these and similar events are held, the more useful it will be for everyone


What strategies have you employed to ensure rapid development and a strong reputation for Millionaire Concept, especially in competitive international markets?


It was developed based on this special project and our marketing strategy. First, I can say that I'm an economist and at the same time, I work professionally in this field. Together with my ideas and those of our team, we achieved this result. The main goal of Millionaire Concept is to create our line of products and present them to the world. The current situation was the initial marketing plan for this goal.


How did you decide to hold the 5th anniversary of Millionaire Concept in Dubai?


For our 5th anniversary, we decided to celebrate the unity of East and West in Dubai. As we know, Dubai is the ideal city for this, where you can see the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. In line with our anniversary, we are preparing a magazine titled "Millionaire Concept Magazine." At our anniversary event, we will present this magazine to our participants and guests. I'd also like to note that this time our event will be different from previous ones in that it will be somewhat more private.


What are the future goals of the Millionaire Concept? What projects are you currently working on?


It is always our priority to sign different and innovative affairs. Soon, Millionaire Concept will establish brands from different sectors. These are clothing, wine, jewelry, homeware, perfumes, and restaurant concepts.


It is the joint line project planned for the nearest time. I would like to make a statement about the cooperation to be made with the designers related to clothing, which is one of the brands to be established. For this joint line of clothing, agreements are made with the best designers, and they are making special collections for the Millionaire Concept. The collection fashion show, high-level presentation, and sale will take place on our website. In this way, negotiations on the establishment of other sectors continue.
