New Straits Times: Azerbaijan targets green growth in 2024



New Straits Times: Azerbaijan targets green growth in 2024



Malaysian English-language newspaper New Straits Times has published an article headlined “Azerbaijan targets green growth in 2024.”


Written by Shabnam Karimova, First Secretary of Azerbaijani Embassy in Malaysia, the article reads: “President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed an order declaring 2024 as the "Green World Solidarity Year" in the country.


The order underscores the Republic of Azerbaijan's role as a reliable and responsible member of the international community, actively contributing to the fight against the consequences of climate change.


Emphasizing one of Azerbaijan's five national priorities for socio-economic development until 2030, articulated as the "Country of Clean Environment and Green Growth", the Order outlines ongoing initiatives to enhance environmental conditions, rehabilitate and expand green spaces, and ensure the efficient use of water resources and sustainable energy alternatives.


Azerbaijan prioritizes the creation of green energy sources, with a goal for renewable energy to constitute 30 per cent of its electricity-generating capacity by 2030.


This target reflects Azerbaijan's ambitious climate goals and its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint. Azerbaijan has set ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, aiming for a 35 per cent reduction by 2030 and a 40 per cent reduction by 2050.


Azerbaijan has been contributing to measures to deal with the consequences of climate change, including environmental enhancement, efforts to rehabilitate and expand green spaces, the efficient use of water resources, and sustainable energy sources.


The government's multifaceted approach, encompassing the promotion of sustainable building materials, implementation of energy-efficient measures, and extensive public awareness campaigns, has been instrumental in fostering the adoption of green building practices.


By fulfilling these initiatives, Azerbaijan seeks to reduce its environmental impact, preserve valuable resources, and foster the creation of a healthier and more sustainable built environment.


The government's commitment to green building practices is evident in the incorporation of energy-efficient lighting systems and HVAC systems within government buildings.


In parallel, private companies and building owners have enthusiastically embraced the initiative to align existing structures with energy-efficient standards.


These collective efforts underscore Azerbaijan's dedication to advancing sustainable practices within the construction sector and promoting a greener, more environmentally conscious urban landscape.


The Azerbaijani government plans to transform the liberated Karabakh (Garabagh) and East Zangezur regions into a "Net-Zero Emission" Zone as a priority within the ongoing reconstruction and development projects.


The green energy potential of the liberated territories of Azerbaijan includes almost all types of renewable energy sources, including hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal. Liberated Karabakh and East Zangezur, as well as the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, have been declared green energy zones.


The protection of the environment stands as a priority in the extensive restoration and redevelopment processes unfolding in the liberated territories.


Innovative approaches such as "smart city" are implemented in these areas, contributing to ecosystem restoration.


Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in 2024.


This further signifies and reflects the international community's respect and trust in Azerbaijan, recognising the nation's endeavors in environmental protection and addressing climate change on national, regional, and global scales.


By some estimates, about 70,000 to 80,000 foreign guests will visit Azerbaijan during COP29.


The ultimate objective of the conference is to stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system in a time frame that allows ecosystems to adapt naturally and enables sustainable development.


Through various programmes and partnerships, both domestically and internationally, Azerbaijan seeks to enhance its green policies and engage citizens, organisations, and other countries in a collective effort to protect the planet.


Underscoring the nation's commitment to environmental stewardship, the order aligns with one of Azerbaijan's key national priorities for socio-economic development until 2030: becoming a "Country of Clean Environment and Green Growth".


Key priorities outlined are intricately linked to Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production activities, emphasizing the strategic focus on cultivating a steadily growing competitive economy, nurturing competitive human capital, fostering an environment conducive to modern innovations, and investing significantly in a clean environment to propel the nation towards sustainable industrial development and national "green growth.”
