More than 100 million manat compensation was paid to the depositors of "Mugan Bank".


During the first 2 days of the process of payment of compensations for protected deposits in "Mugan Bank" OJSC, which is in the process of liquidation, the Deposit Insurance Fund paid 100 million 951 thousand manats to 2,983 protected depositors of the bank. This is approximately 50% of the total amount of compensation intended to be paid for the protected deposits in "Mugan Bank" OJSC, which is in the process of liquidation.

This was reported by the Deposit Insurance Fund.

Compensation payments continue to be successfully implemented through all branches of agent banks - "International Bank of Azerbaijan" OJSC and "Kapital Bank" OJSC across the country.
"We would like to inform the depositors that compensation payments will be made in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, and there is no reason to worry about it.

You can get detailed information about the compensation payment process on the website of the Deposit Insurance Fund," the institution said.
