Azerbaijan’s National Olympic Committee, Procter & Gamble to sign new partnership agreement


Representatives of the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee (NOC) and "Procter & Gamble" (P&G) company have met in the NOC administrative office to discuss prospects for cooperation and sign a new partnership agreement.


The event was attended by Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee (NOC) Chingiz Huseynzade, NOC Secretary General Azer Aliyev, Marketing Advisor at the NOC Sakina Valiyeva, as well as General Manager at P&G Central Asia & Caucasus Markets Irakli Gabriadze and the company's employee Farida Babayeva.


Addressing the meeting, NOC Vice-President Chingiz Huseynzade described the cooperation with consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble (P&G) as fruitful.


Speaking about the mutual benefits of cooperation, General Manager at P&G Central Asia & Caucasus Markets Irakli Gabriadze highlighted that P&G attaches special importance to sports. He said a special scholarship will be allocated by the company to athletes who have won a license for the Paris Olympics and represent various sports.


The Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee and "Procter & Gamble" company have also reached a preliminary agreement on cooperation for 2024.


The partnership agreement between the NOC and P&G will be inked on October 12, 2023.
