Minister of Iraqi Kurdistan: Iran's attack on Erbil caused serious tension in the region


Iran's attack on Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, caused serious tension in the region, Aydin Maruf Salim, the Minister of State for Minority Affairs in the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq, told Report.


The minister said that this is not the first attack: “Last year, Iran launched three missile attacks. This is the first missile attack this year. I think that the civilian population was targeted. People are in fear. It is the responsibility of the Iraqi government to solve the problem. The Baghdad government should have a serious reaction to this issue. Erbil is a region of Iraq, a beautiful city with stable politics and security. They just want to destabilize the city. Attacks cannot be carried out under the pretext of certain things. Such attacks are wrong and unacceptable.”


The minister recalled that four people lost their lives and seven others were injured as a result of an air attack by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on Erbil: "One of the deceased was one of the well-known businessmen of Erbil. His one-year-old child was also killed in the attack. The businessman's wife and another child were injured. They were taken abroad for treatment yesterday. The other five wounded are being treated in Iraq, and they are in normal condition."
