CAGE: Islamophobia - integral part of French domestic and foreign policy



CAGE: Islamophobia - integral part of French domestic and foreign policy

As a result of its post-colonial diplomatic “Arab policy”, France persistently advocated for a two-state solution in Palestine and condemned Israel. Now foreign and domestic policy is characterized rather by ardent Islamophobia, reads the monthly report for November of the British independent human rights organization CAGE, Report informs.


This formed part of its battle for hearts and minds, aimed at seducing the Muslim masses and convincing them of France’s supposedly benevolent disposition toward them and their political development.


A local commission supervised by right-wing politicians close to Interior Minister - and likely Presidential hopeful - Gérald Darmanin has decided to cut Muslim High School “Averroès”’ public contract, threatening to stop any public funding in the future.


Another example given in the report was threats against Muslims in Lyon following the murder of a young man in a night brawl.


“A young white man - Thomas - was murdered during a late-night altercation. As one of the suspects is Arab, far-right militias have taken up the streets to intimidate Muslims and non-Whites in Lyon. At this stage of the investigation, a racial motive of the murder has not been proven,” reads the report.
